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[Share][Addons]Invision War System 7.0 Linux & Windows [EN & RO]

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# Description: Addons for clanwar (games) with advanced order management.

# Changelog: The latest version of Invision War System.Au series was removed all bugs and changed some options.

# Credits: MajeStik

# Release Date: 01.01.2010 (Beta) 03.01.2010 (Final)

# Version: 7.0

# Compatible: Windows & Linux

# Language: Romanian (98%), English (50% - plugins and have been translated lang file)

# Filesize: 36.4 MB

# Total plugins: 28

# Meta List: 5

# Configuration: 5 (server.cfg, meci.cfg, warmup.cfg, lame.cfg, alegeri.cfg)

# Tutorial Service: 1 (file. Txt)

Link: http://www.filefront.com/15275845/Invision%20War%20System%207.0.rar


Plugins Invision War System


    * Invision_war_system.amxx - the plugin

    * Invision_war.amxx - plugin for the second

    * Invision_vote.amxx - Start survey ready / not ready

    * Invision_password_remover.amxx - Get password automatically when no one is on the server

    * Invision_ip.amxx - Show IP addresses in the console gamers (amx_showip)

    * Invision_knife.amxx - Allows restraining arms rounds of blades

    * Invision_admins.amxx - Show admins match

    * Invision_teamtags.amxx - Add tags depending on the team (amx_addtags / amx_removetags)



Other plugins


    * Amx_ss.amxx - take photos players (amx_ss)

    * Tfts_transfer.amxx - Transfer players from one team to another (amx_t / amx_ct name)

Invision War Accounts


    * OWNER [ abcdefghijklmnopqrstu ]

    * Administrator [ abcdefijkmnopqrstu ]

    * Moderator [ abcefijkmnopqrstu ]

Changes from version 6.0


A previous version solved the problem tagurilor.In players and they could change their name tags from appearing.

In this version (7.0) during the match the name change is impossible.

Was realized and a version in English at a rate of 30%. Why only 30%? Since we changed only messages from plugins, those displayed in the chat.

Some messages changed.

You can make your own settings to match settings runde.In previous version were included in the plugin invision_war_system.amxx.

This version will offer the opportunity to make your own settings giving you the following configurations: meci.cfg, warmup.cfg, alegeri.cfg, ask them to cstrike lame.cfg.Acestea where and server.cfg

All bugs and errors were resolved.




How to play a game - 5 vs. 5 for example (without HLTV)


First we set the gameplay that is 5 vs. 5.Tastam order! Meci5 and expect all players to enter the server.Dupa so if you're playing round blades or choices, use the commands! Blades that! Alegeri.Dupa choice of teams, type the command ! teamtags to set tags echipelor.Aceasta help command for easier reading score in order! score.Dupa this text! ready and the game ended the first half inceput.Pentru type! stop.Va be displayed score and a message will says to change echipele.Dupa change teams, type again! ready and the 2nd inning to end the match can incepe.Pentru reapply order! stop.


I have given an example of a game you can use complex.Voi many commands you want.




Available commands - Orders can be given and admin_ and amx_


Commands in chat: (access to commands are those ADMIN_KICK.La order! Those with money have access amx_ban)


! ready - Upload settings to match and start the first inning

! stop - Stop the first inning.

! ready - Start of 2nd half

! stop - Stop the game

! cancel - Cancel a match

! restart - Restart half (first or 2nd a.Dupa order! score rolling restart began initiala.Daca returns to the 2nd half and the score is 10.2 and 8.7 first inning was over, after ordering! restart the score back to 8-7)

! RR - Restart warmup rounds (heating)

! warmup - Start rounds of heating

! score - View scores (scores can be displayed only during the match)

! demo <name> - Records demo jucator.Pentru stop a demo, that player must stop giving console.

! blades - Start round blades

! <name> kick - kick a player

! <timp> <name> ban - ban a player Yes

! map name> harta> - Change map

! admin - admin Show

! pause - pause Server

! nopause - Take pause Server

! votelame - Start voting round blades

! reportafk <name> - Report player as AFK

! teamtags - Add tags according to team

! meci1 - Upload settings to match 1 vs 1

! meci2 - Upload settings to match 2 vs 2

! meci3 - Upload Settings to Match 3 vs. 3

! meci5 - Upload settings to match 5 vs 5

! meci1hltv - Upload settings to match 1 vs 1 + HLTV

! meci2hltv - Upload settings to match 2 vs 2 + HLTV

! meci3hltv - Upload Settings to Match 3 vs. 3 + HLTV

! meci5hltv - Upload settings to match 5 vs. 5 + HLTV













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