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Tonight i decided to make WoW Guides.

Tonight i ll show how to be a great DPS along with Tank...recount add on is gonna get crazy ^^


Note:that all my guides are 100% Noble®'s guides so if you intent to use it in other forums without my permission just give credits to Noble®



i ran a poll today about what kind of dk tank is prefered. i wait the results ... Addiotionally i ve taken the opinions of many players and got their answer so i made up my mind totally about this guide!


##i ve tried and played all 3 specs so if you have any question feel free to reply or give me a PM##

Basic Tactics

Enable Frost Presence(Thread Generator+Armor Boost)

Use Death And Decay Frequently(probably the skills with the most threat generated)

AoE(Blood Boil or Corpse Explosion or Gargoyle or Howling Blast)

Death Grip on bosses in order to taunt them if you lose their attention

Pestilence in order to move deseases to other mobs

Blood boil to keep holding Aggro.

as you probably noticed in all 3 talent builds we specced Morbidity fully so the cooldown of Death and Decay is reduced in half ;)



Being a Blood Spec DK tank guarantees survival even with a non that good healer and HP regen.Talents (59/4/8) of blood spec combines a retribution paladin with a protection warrior in a 2H DK body.

Blood Spec bases on life stealing and HP regen techniques

Vampiric Blood works like Warrior's <Last Stand> so try use it when your Healer sleeps.

Mark of Blood works perfect for melee Elites giving your healer a time to fix things.

Improved Blood Presence allows you to taste the effects of blood presence into Frost presence(vital for tanking)

Heart Strike for Cleave effect

Imba damage


Cons of Blood Spec:

Not too many diceases

Not many armor contribution



Frost Spec is an unsual one talent tree.Actually most of the ppl believe that it is a pure Tank spec but thats half true.Frost improves armor contribution but nothing about aggro ...if you watch closely apart from toughness i cant see anything else regarding aggro which is the most important factor of a tank.i would say it focuses on the critical strike chance and damage of frost abilities and cc(Crowd Control) so that you may tank better and of course anti-mage talents. nothing more!!!



*Unbreakable Armor improves your already existing great armor and boosts your strength

*Hungering Cold CC the mobs in front of you(but i doubt that they will stay undamaged from other pt or raid members

*Howling Blast is good for Damage

*Icy touch and Howling Blast most of the times critical strikes

*Lichborne along with ICebound Fortitude along with Human racial(Everyman for himself) or Undead (Will of the Forsaken) make you unstunned,uncharmed,sleepless,Fearless!pretty good combination for tanks in order to continue hitting and maintaining aggro


Frost Cons:

Runic power eater :D

Not that big Damage dealer




Totally the most easy DK talent spec...Diseases provide great damage(if played right you will be 1st as DPS even as tank most of the times)

*Toughness and Bone armor provide you survival against enemies

*Master of Ghouls let you have an undead pet minion for unlimited time whilst other Death Knights possess them for 45 seconds which is great battle initiator and raises your total damage.

*Anti Magic Zone protects you against Casters greatly.We assume that you will have always aggro on you so if you ever have difficult time (with noob/oom/sleeping/feared/dead) healer ,this skill saves the day for you having magic damage on you greatly reduced ^^

*Desecration-icy touch-plague strike-pestilence-blood boil-corpse explosion-death and decay = imba combination for damage and aggro raise! Scourge strike and Blood strike just finish this incredible damage combo

*Bone armor improves a little bit your armor

*Undead Minion as battle initiator will raise the aggro for you as he jumps into fight really fast so you ll be a little more comfortable with many many nabs battle initiators(hunters,paladins,charging warriors etc) who start battle before you


UnHoly Cons:


actually there arent many...but unholy really lacks criticals and without pure life stealing like blood spec you are healer dependant.unholy is dps spec mostly but all the diseases raise your blood boil damage so it is a good aggro holder.maintaning a good skill combo is vital for your tanking and damage


pics from my gameplay tomorrow...notice that as tank i have better damage even from ppl with higher level than me(2-3 lvls bigger than me)

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