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[HELP]Applying Patch with Eclipse



Kalimera 8elw na sa rwtisw pos na valw ena patch px http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=66290.0 apo eclipse...apo8ikeuw auta p leei  me simiomatario kanw allages px exw equal pack exw kanei tis allages p nomizw oti prepei diladi apo net/sf.... pou leei se merika simia na to alla3w se java/lt/equal.... otan to kanw auto meta paw team/apply patch kai vrisko to arxeio..meta 8a mou vgalei kapies grames nomizw einai apo to  ka8e arxeio ou 8elw na valw kai ena X kokkino..tora ekei ti na kanw?? mipws auto simenei kapoio provlima? exw patisei finish paw na dw sto arxeio alla tpt apo patch  :-[ mipws kanw kati la8os mipws iparxei allos tropos?

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Perna to patch manually.


Diladi kane edit tis grammes mia pros mia.


( + ) -> Prosthese tis grammes


( -) -> Afairese tis grammes


Pote min kaneis apply , einai sigouro pos tha exeis errors.

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Katebase kai auto to video:




Tha mathis kapia pragmatakia gia to pos na kaneis apply ena java mod sto pack sou.


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