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[Share]Server Zombie 47+48+Vac2 [ LINUX ]

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Description: I created a server protocols Biohazard on 47 and 48 and added to the VAC2 and see the avatars of the steam, to see SteamID on consoles and VALVE







    * AMX Mod X 1.81

    * Cbooster

    * Dproto

    * Metamod




Password to unzip is:


Plugins Used (plugins.ini)

showndead_bug_fix.amxx, fixes a small error in CS
trivia, you're dead do not get bored you can play trivia typing in chat / trivia
consistency.amxx; to download wads
name_management.amxx, kick them to name those ~!@#`%^&!*()|][{}/=+ etc.
swear_replacement.amxx, censor certain words from the server
admin_freelook.amxx, allows administrators, while dead, to see both teams T / CT
restart_game.amxx; commands. restart
688268.amxx, admins have the name of green
; cfg_top10_v3.amxx; http://forum.cfg.ro/showthread.php?t=2163
; cfg_rank.amxx; http://forum.cfg.ro/showthread.php?t=2472
admin_slash.amxx, orders gag / slay / kick / ban from the chat
admin_fix.amxx - adminele sets the protocol it
showip.amxx - see IP addresses are players (not included command amx_ipban) --
anti_lag.amxx - sets the player's rates
linux_func_rotating_fix_engine.amxx - engineurile fixed on Linux
linux_func_rotating_fix_fakemeta.amxx - fakemata for not having fixed bugs
gamenamechanger.amxx - change the name of the game of Counter-Strike in a desired name
hpk2.amxx - Plugin kicked out players with great PING
private_chat.amxx - private chat
amx_diverse.amxx - various commands in chat and console players / admins
ultimate_who.amxx - When you type admin_Who, amx_who you admins appear in a motd
ghostchat.amxx - the dead can speak to the living
biohazard.amxx - source zombie

The version on Linux and my first server I did the 0:)

Below and the version of Windows: P



Reviews?!: D




    * Sounds

    * Models

    * Waduri

    * Plans

    * GFX

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