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[Guide/Bot]Setting Up Innerspace/Openbot

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-Setting up Software-


1. Download and install the latest version of Innerspace.


2. Download the latest version of ISXWoW and ISXWarden. Always keep these up to date!


Install ISXWoW by running the installer if you downloaded that, or if you downloaded the zip, extract ISXWoW.dll into the Extentions folder and the other files into your Interface folder.


Install ISXWarden by simply extracting the .dll to the Extensions directory of your Innerspace installation.


3. Launch innerspace, right click on the little crosshairs icon, and click configuration.




4. Click on the "Game Configuration" tab and select World of Warcraft from the dropdown menu. Click Startup.


5. Click insert, click on "New Entry", and type the following:


Under "Name to describe this sequence item", type "ISXWarden"

Under Command to execute at this step of the sequence", type "ext ISXWarden"


Your screen should now look like this:



Click finish and apply and close Innerspace.


6. Download the latest version of Openbot or whatever other bot/script you'd like to use with Innerspace, and place it in your Scripts folder. (/Innerspace/scripts/openbot)


You will need to install a routine for your class. Check out the routine forums for routines available for all classes. You may install a custom routine from there (often more efficient) or you can always use the default routine. If you do install a custom routine, be sure to open up the routine folder in case there is a settings file that needs editing.


7. Right Click on the crosshairs again and select World of Warcraft > World of Warcraft Default Profile. This should load WoW in an Innerspace client.


Do not log in.


8. Press your console key (` § ~ F12) and scroll up through the blue box until you see the ISXWarden status. If it is green and looks like the following picture, you are okay to login.




-Ingame Openbot Setup-


1. Once Innerspace is loaded with WoW and you've checked ISXWarden to be okay, log ingame and bring down console again.


2. Type into console:


run openbot/openbot


This should load the ingame interface.



-Openbot Configuration-


I will go over these in reverse because it is much less confusing and much easier to explain.


1. Logout Tab


Pretty self-explanatory.


2. Config Tab


Debug - This will log your errors. You should not need this unless you are trying to fix an error or something.

Use Mount - Will use your mount if you have it.

Ignore min/max levels - Ignores level restrictions on the mobs you are grinding.

Stop video rendering (in background) - Will stop your video rendering, saving lots of video power. I generally keep this only in background.

Map files in LSO - LSO format is a different format to save the mapping files in. The default is xml format. The difference is speed and editing. LSO is quickly written and quickly loaded/read. The XML are slower but easier to edit. The general rule is to keep them in LSO unless you'd like to edit them.

Rendered mapping is handy when you're mapping, but pretty much useless other than that.

Class config is totally different for each routine, but it should be relatively simple to figure out.

The rest of the options are obvious.


3. Human Tab


Auto Emote - Emotes to passing players or players who emote at you.

Translator - Shows what the other faction is saying.

The rest is self-explanatory.


4. EQ Tab


This tab is what is used to equip found items to your character automatically. You must change these weight values to suit your character. Higher weight is a more important stat for your character.


5. Talents Tab


This is where the bot will automatically place your talents as you assign it to.


Under spec name, type the spec, such as fury or prot for a warrior or destro for a lock, etc. Select your spec from the drop down menu. Then click the talents you want from the left column and press add to add it to the queue. Be sure to add them in the right order, starting with your spec from 1 talent point. The left tab will update as new talents are available.


6. POI Tab


This is a list of all the npc's you have mapped. If the NPC's name is in all caps, there is a path connecting you to it. If it's not in caps, it has just been seen by the bot, not mapped yet. To map an NPC, you must walk right over it. You can hit blacklist to stop the bot from using that NPC, or you can delete it from the list.


7. Grind Tab


This is definitely the most important tab. Just a few things to fill out before you start mapping and plotting hotspots.


Location Sets - Title for your grinding spot (similar to a profile in glider). Type the name in (like "alterac turtles lvl 30") and click add.

Location level - the minimum and maximum level YOU should be when using this profile. The bot will automatically move on to another location set once its level is higher than the max level. It will also not enter the location set unless it is at least the min level.

Pull Range - Distance from the character the bot will look to find a mob to kill.

Grind Range - Distance from the hotspot that the bot must be within before entering combat.

Loc timer - Time in minutes that the bot will remain in that location set before changing locations.

Random toggle - toggle this to enable the bot to pick a random hotspot to move after hitting passing a hotspot. Disable this to go through the hotspots in order.

Active toggle - toggles whether or not the location set is ready to be used. Disable if it is still being mapped.


Mapping Hotspots

Select your location set in the left column and go to your grinding spot. Get to a place where there are mobs that you'd like to grind all around you and click add under hotspots. You should generally plot around 10 hotspots for each location set you make. They should be spread out and all around mobs you'd like to grind.


You should also map routes to repair, food, drink, mailbox, etc before starting the locationset. It is helpful to die once and travel to the location set from the graveyard to map a route once dead back to your corpse. When you think you've mapped enough, click active.


If you need more help with mapping, or even if you don't, I would recommend reading a very short but helpful guide here and watching this video.


NOTE: If you get "NOT ENOUGH MAPPING DATA" then simply map some more. Nothing more to it.


8. Inventory Tab


This tab is used for setting what you'd like to sell, keep, destroy, bank, mule, etc. I will only explain the config options, because the other sub-tabs are pretty self-explanatory.


Mule - Type the name of the character you'd like to send items to for muling.

Food, Drink, and Ammo Merchants - Type or set the names of the vendors you wish to use to restock food, drink, and ammo. Be sure you have mapped each one of these sufficiently.


9. Overview Tab


Toon spec - Sets the spec you want to use on your current toon.

CPU Rating - Set it to how fast your processor is.

Train, Sell, Repair, Mule, etc. - Forces a run to train, sell, repair, mule, or whatever you click there as soon as you hit go.



Once you've setup all these tabs, that's it. You're ready to go. If you still don't understand after all this, please be specific in your questions or it's very hard to help you. Be sure to read the whole thing through before asking questions.


All credits go to the original creator on <edgeofnowhere>

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    • Keep reselling what I publish here for free!!! 🙂 GG  
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