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Hello, as my first post, I'm sharing for You 9 loading screens. All are in .DDS files, ready to import using UnrealEd (I havent time to crypt/decrypt each image, or I'm too lazy? xD). Loading screens are for Interlude, but if You want it for Gracia, just delete "Loading" word from image 8) All  in HQ 1024x768. Credits to me.



Feel free to edit it. Also if I'll have some time, and if some one want, I can make for him his own unique loading screen with custom images/texts (ofc not for free - and not for money but help for the help :))


First of All, Welcome to our Forum! Have a nice stay!


Well, I really like them! They are amazing!


Thank you, CяAzYzIoM! Stay active!

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