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Hi all I looked on the forum but I can t find any tutorial of igwalker or the tut just explain the option...


Im playing on l2memories. I downloaded , folloed the inscrution from the topic "how 2 bote in c5 serv" and I can launch the IGwalker perfectly

I press home and the menu appear. But after that when i press anything, nothing happened ... :S


did I forget 2 do something ?

btw I start i never used bot before.


cya and ty


if u had looked all tuts closely u had noticed that u need an emulator to run the walker. the walker isnt free: http://www.towalker.com


the emulator is enabling u to use it anyway, but it seems not every walker is for every l2 chronicle or not every emu for every walker (i m not sure about the relation) ...


c4off with c5 upgrades = 1.52



BTW: this is not the help forum

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