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How to made your own Recipe?


as all of reciples, you need to start with;



Later name of recipe with special "prefix" Lets made recipe for "Dragon Token" or at least Gold Coins (Depends of your custom things)

as i said, now start with special prefix;


Now as can you see, we'v created a "Name" thats special prefix is "mk"

Lets see next steps;


Depends whats are count of your LAST Recipe in list (recipe.txt) in /Script folder.

I mean exactly, your last Recipe code in thats folder, just put one more *567, and yours is 568*


Next step;


Its depends whats level you wants to Craft char have, to have acces for create your item.

Now, next step, your materials, whats need to have for create an item (Dragon Token)


as can you see, we 'v got materials wich will be needed to create your own item.


50000, 20, 300, 150

is ammount of items.

Now, write your catalyst (always is empty) and product name;

catalyst={}	product={{[dragon_token];1}}

Now write your's npc_fee (also always empty;


Now yours mp_consume, wich dwarf will needs to have , for create item;


You can set it how ever you wants (but no 0-1 and 5k or more) just dont!

now set your succes_rate;


~ 100 - 100% of create item.

now set your item id!;


Then set commrecipe (always set to 1)


at last step you have just put


Yours own recipe is now succesfully end!

its looks like that now;

recipe_begin [mk_dragon_token] 567 level=6 material={{[ancient_adena];50000};{[dragon_token_fragment];20};{[spirit_ore];300};{[your_own_item];150}} catalyst={}	product={{[dragon_token];1}} npc_fee={} mp_consume=150 success_rate=100 item_id=9831 iscommonrecipe=1 recipe_end


Now last step of all, you need to put Dragon Token, at your's Item_data.txt and item_pch.txt;

item_pch.txt lines;

[dragon_token] = 9831 - Item ID

and the item_data.txt lines;

[dragon_token] = 9831 - Item ID

Just same as _pch.

and ofc add to yours itemname-e by fileedit

9831	Recipe: Dragon Token For Create your fck item. The recipe for a Dragon Token. Requires Create Item Skill Level 6. The success rate is 100%.	-1


  • 4 weeks later...


well you can made for craft or else, you can also craft with this code any Special Ability item, w/o any errors at your extender, all should works all\\\\just fine and cool.

hope you like it









and the item_data.txt lines;

[dragon_token] = 9831 - Item ID

Just same as _pch.


Think about that one more time. Itemdata include the ( Item data ). item_pch.txt stores like a std map map< param1( name string ), param2( item ID ) >


item_begin	etcitem	9831	[dragon_token]	item_type=etcitem	slot_bit_type={none}	armor_type=none	etcitem_type=potion	blessed=0	weight=180	default_action=action_skill_reduce	consume_type=consume_type_stackable	initial_count=1	maximum_count=20	soulshot_count=0	spiritshot_count=0	immediate_effect=1	price=0	default_price=1000	item_skill=[none]	critical_attack_skill=[none]	material_type=liquid	crystal_type=none	crystal_count=0	is_trade=1	is_drop=1	is_destruct=1	physical_damage=0	random_damage=0	weapon_type=none	can_penetrate=0	critical=0	hit_modify=0	avoid_modify=0	dual_fhit_rate=0	shield_defense=0	shield_defense_rate=0	attack_range=0	effective_range=0	damage_range={}	attack_speed=0	reuse_delay=0	mp_consume=0	magical_damage=0	durability=0	damaged=0	physical_defense=0	magical_defense=0	mp_bonus=0	category={}	enchanted=0	html=[item_default.htm]	equip_pet={0}	magic_weapon=0	item_end

  • 2 months later...
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  • Vision changed the title to How To Make Your Own Recipe

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