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[Suupa Share] L2 FileEdit CT2.4 + Universal Patcher - Updated with v1.0

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UPDATE 27/05/2010


Hi again.. here is the v1.0 version that can open all dat files now.


Mediafire - L2 FileEdit CT2.4 v1.0



Hiz ppl,


Well... seems i have (again) to save the l2 client modding community huh?...


np, here is my xmass gift for you...







a 100% working (well not exactly  :P) L2 FileEdit for Gracia Epilogue (!)


Click Me or Something..


Since Dstuff havent released new l2asmdisasm yet i had to fiix the ddf files myself (<.<)

well i didnt bother to fix Logongrp.dat coz i doubt anyone edited this file anyway.. and also i didnt bothered to make ddfs for the new dat files (that doesnt exist in gracia final or older) such as BRItemgrp.dat & Charcreategrp.dat, thats why i call this v0.9 anyway.. all dat files exept these 3 i mentioned are working tho. Guess u can expect a v1 as soon as Dstuff officialy release the new asmdisasm  ;)


ok so the future of l2 client modding has just been saved  :P but lets take a look at the past..


did u ever wanted a one-click-n-done system patcher that works in all clients regardless of chronicle, date or even language  :P (ex korean, japanese client), doesnt leave 500 files inside your system (patcher.exe, l2encdec.exe, gg-bps.dll.. blabla) and even works on future thrones ? well i wonder why nobody made such a simple thing before :/... anyway here you go...





(etc  :P)


L2 Universal System Patcher  :o


Click Me Too or F...  :P


Just unrar the .exe inside your system .. double click it.. and... dun dun dun  :P (u can delete it from system when done).



I hope you find these usefull (ofc u do xD).. hmm wth did i forgot :/...


(after 2 min)


ow yeah well merry xmass guys  ;D




Edit: mirrors!... (coz seriously.. yeah... rapidshare sux big time..)


4shared - FileEditCT2.4-0.9+UniversalPatcher.rar

Mediafire - FileEditCT2.4-0.9+UniversalPatcher.rar



+1 For this

I was too late :P


Thank you very much TK, gj


Well... seems i have (again) to save the l2 client modding community huh?...

Yup you saved the day :) I really got to learn how this works with the ddf files and encdec...

Ill ask Raule to add this to his Stickied topic

  • 2 weeks later...

everyone is saying thanks but have you guys tried it? it does not work on epilogue or if it does tell us how

atleast somebody said thanks and didnt reply only when he has problem.. well when i released this there was no update... i will check and see if i can update the fileedit for the new update... for now just use a non updated epilogue client... simple


atleast somebody said thanks and didnt reply only when he has problem.. well when i released this there was no update... i will check and see if i can update the fileedit for the new update... for now just use a non updated epilogue client... simple


You will have a +1 from me when you will release a working l2 file_edit for latest version of epilogue, now I use hosts file and sucks...


lmao!!!!!!... i updated the client and checked.. it works JUST FINE :S what in the world are u guys talking about?? probably ur trying to open files without patching the system >.< gosh!!!! u freaking scared me! i thought i had to do the ddfs files again >.< gimme a break....................

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