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web server and login error



Ok I have one question, I'am setting up a webserver and every time I click on the server page (index.html for example), I get and message on the Login server that say:

GameServer ( Connection Lost: Connection Reset


And sometimes I get this one also:

GameServer ( Connection Lost: Software Caused connection abort: recv failed



Can someone tell me why is that and how can I fix that?

Thank you>

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Ok I have one question, I'am setting up a webserver and every time I click on the server page (index.html for example), I get and message on the Login server that say:

GameServer ( Connection Lost: Connection Reset


And sometimes I get this one also:

GameServer ( Connection Lost: Software Caused connection abort: recv failed



Can someone tell me why is that and how can I fix that?

Thank you>


Hmmm So You Are Tring To Run L2Server And Website For The Server At Same PC. Right?

well something You Did Is Wrong... You Are Running Your WebSite With Apache?

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Yes I'm running with apache and yes right now it is on the same pc but when it is all working good it will be on a different pc. I think the problem is with the one with the php scripts, probably  the server status one. But every time I click on one of the site's pages it give me the error on the login server and the only script that is on all the pages is the server status. But I need to double check on that and I still don't know why I get the connection lost message.

Any help will be appreciated.


THis is the script giving me the problem, every time php reads this I get the message.


$ip = "localhost"; // Here edit your IP for GameServer
$ipl = "localhost"; // Here edit your IP for Login
$portg = "7777"; // Port for GameServer
$portl = "9014"; // Port for Login

if (! $sock = @fsockopen($ipl, $portl, $num, $error, 5))
print '<B>Login: <FONT COLOR=red>Offline</b></FONT>';
print '<B>Login: <FONT COLOR=lime>Online</b></FONT>';

if (! $sock = @fsockopen($ip, $portg, $num, $error, 5))
print '<B>     Bartz: <FONT COLOR=red>Offline</b></FONT>';
print '<B>     Bartz: <FONT COLOR=lime>Online</b></FONT>';



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Well... I See Some errors on php but i am not sure... This Script is Yours Or You Edited It??? If You Edited it Please Check These Lines

if (! $sock = @fsockopen($ipl, $portl, $num, $error, 5))

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