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interlude [Interlude L2off] Lineage2P


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Join the new Lineage 2 OFF server opened on 8.12.2009!!!




Lineage 2 OFF C6 - interlude

Exp rate 35x

3 different custom XP and farming zones

Custom Global GK

Custom Hero System (Hero tokens)

NPC buffers (only for start)

Unique recruit a friend system ..more friends you bring more cool staff you get in game

Great drops on Raid bosses (special items)

Balanced classes (as much as possible)

Official enchant rate/safe +3

Fully working skills

24 slots buff

Active DEV team and GM staff (1 GM is only for customers support ~12 hours a day online in game)

99% uptime all GMs privileges put to minimum to avoid any kind of coruption!


Server Spec

Intel Core i7 2.66Ghz

12Gb RAM


100 mbps Uplink Dedicated connection


for any more info:

Website : http://www.lineage2p.com

or join our forum: http://lineage2p.com/forum/index.php it will be replied asap


Have fun and i hope we will see you in game!

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CHANGE: duo to constant complaining about customs  (it looks like people totally hate them xD)

we decided  to remove all custom armors from our server...


we hope you will like the change and try us out!!!


all the other things stay the same like calericro posted!!!



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Server looks good and they remuve customs +1 nice work  8)

I play there allrdy with few friends, and its fresh server with no +++ items not like on l2crushders ><" and other br servers

I wish that there will be a lot of clans for pvp and mass rampage  ;D cya there  8)

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Community is slowly growing, the problem is when someone comes to the server and see that the less people online immediately withdraw from the server, so people do not realize that they need to remain somewhere and then ppl will fill the server, my clan will remain on server and play.

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