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Hi, i got a problem with the walker in l2extreme, i use a l2walker IG 1.78 but the problem is when i get in..in other ctrl its suppose to say in info something..but its clear and i wanna know if somebody can say to me how can i do for play with the walker in extreme server...if somebody know i will aprecciate if u told me plz :)


PD; i play with this walker in Dragon-Network and it doesnt had any problem but in this server i cant :S i dont know why :S


i m not really a walker pro ... but i tried a few and all newer version didnt work in in l2x. i always used version 1.52 which u will find plenty in this forum.


it wont help u anyway, because those older versions care about the l2.exe file size. since the gg update on l2x u cant switch the l2.exe.


but i m already trying something out :)




he probably meant that he cant see his skills in the walker dropdown menus


here i got screen...


this one if from l2extreme (l2xreborn) http://www.upload2.com/?cmd=_viewer&file=8d1054d49e169a0fe97c735c52ffe18a.jpg&s=34a5d



and this one its when works but in other server




its working to bypass the gg of l2x with those emulators posted here ... and yes i tried 1.79, its the only one which doesnt care about the file size (or maybe because its just the right size), but its the same problem: the skills are not shown.


but this way i m pretty sure to find a solution!


I have the same problem on supremel2, I got walker working ingame and I just can't verify it. Maybe the devs are messing with the emulation system.


its not that, its only the damm l2walker which asks for the file size, and i dont know why ... maybe they hook by changing some binary parts of the l2.exe!


i already tryed to mess with the new l2.exe which is actually to big, so i did throw some empty parts out, but now gg is a problem again, probably because it checks the file size as well.



someone gets the ig walker 1.79 running for c4off ... lol ... with that we are back at the main question.



if u want i ll reduce your l2.exe maybe this will work for you, dont worry about trojans. i can also tell u how its done, just pm me.



if u had problems with the size i give u the solutions...





PD: if its say something about lineageii.dll its because its for the version IG 1.78..if u got the lineageII.dll of that version its ok


PD2: replace the old l2walker.exe for this one..


i need to relax more :)


version 1.79 has been tried like i wrote before. and its not sufficient to replace the dll-file u will need the dat-file as well, so just copy the full 1.78 bot and replace the l2walker.exe. the problem now is that no emulator works, because i cant get it up running ... i tried 0.41 - 0.52 and this l2w-vse3.0 they all didnt work.


i saw howtos here in the forum were they claimed that everything runs with l2aserv 0.41 ... but i m not sure about this


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