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interlude [Interlude L2J]L2-Evolution


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We are almost there , the opening is near , dear traveller !! Dont miss your chance to be the first in this EPIC battle..


We provide you a perfect L2J environment , stable as much as we can ..!! You wont regret your joining



Experience : x1000

Sp : x1000

Adena : x1000

Drop Item : x1 (when have karma you have a chance of dropping equiped item 50% and one inventory item 66%


Safe enchantment for every single it is 3

Max enchantment for weapons is 12

Max enchantment for armors / jewels is 10


Chance enchanting weapon is 62% to +12

Chance enchanting armor / jewels is 58% to +10


We have all retail like features working , here is some of them :


Dueling system

Hero system

Olympiad (Weekly) System

Siege systems

Clan Hall system

Auto learn skills

.unstuck command 25 seconds

Starting adena has been set to 100kk

INT skills 98%

C1/C2/C3/C4/C5 skills 100%

All INT areas and mobs 100% working

Raid Bosses work

Augmentation system

Primeval Island System

C5 Areas



and many more ,


Custom Items and NPC's and Areas



-Custom Evolution Items (noblesse item for example)

-Noble item of L2 Evolution

-Clan item of L2 Evolution (double click it and take 1k rep points *can be used once*)

-No any kind of custom armor / weapons / jewels

-Custom Clan Skill Items

-GM Shop with everything you need

-Farming zone *simple*

-Core Buffer



Custom Systems :


Hero Skills on subs if you are hero more than 3 times

PvP Color system

Super Antihack protection (we fixed everything one to one)

Custom Systems and Messages!

TvT Events

CTF Events

Vip  Events


And much much more.






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<gr>File Pou einai to patch?? Leei Coming Soon

file o server dn einai anoixtos akoma...an dn kanw lathos ayrio anoigei! kai mallon to pacht tha topothetithei kapou gt nomizo akoma ftiaxnete i fixarete!
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