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[Help] Drop items texture


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Is there any way to change a dropped item texture? i mean u know the typical sand color bags that say "ITEM",  i want to change em to another texture or thing, maybe just change color, but for a specific item, i mean i want adena to look RED on floor, but on Inventory looks normal i guess.


Is there any post that explains this, plx giv me link, i hav searched but not found ://

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Yup, thanks for the help Ave :)


In this case you have to check in your EtcItemgrp.dat for adena (ID 57), which has the following line in CT2.3 (Gracia Final) :

2	57	0	5	4	1	0	DropItems.coin_m00			DropItemsTex.coin_t00	DropItemsTex.coin_t01			0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	icon.etc_adena_i00					-1	0	3	0	0	0							1		1			1			ItemSound2.itemdrop_etc_money_2		3	0	0

The DropItemsTex.coin_t00 and DropItemsTex.coin_t01, which both need to be changed to whatever version you edited (see the texturing guides for that).


You can even change the sound of dropping Adena here too btw,by changing ItemSound2.itemdrop_etc_money_2 to another.


I hope you can solve it now.

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im sry i didnt write chronicle :P i forgot that part.


thx for help, and yes i do not understand all but Google is my teacher :> ty, following from this i can do what i want :P


Rly thx

locked.if you need to ask something else pm me to unlock it

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