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Loipwn paidia exw ena prob !Den mporo na xekinisw ton server mou se windows xp 64bit!Exw perasei 3-4 fores tn java alal mou leei 'java' is not recognized as an internal of external command! Plz help

5 answers to this question

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you need to add the JAVA_HOME variable.


1. Right click My computer and select Properties

2. Select Advanced TAB

3. Select the Environment Variables Button at the bottom left

4. in the USER Variables window Select new


Another window will open for Variable name type in JAVA_HOME

For Variable value eg only choose your install path. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_01\bin


And your done. To test go to start button select run and type in cmd in the dos window type java.  If you get a list of commands your done. If not your path is wrong.


Hope this helps.

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edw pou grafeis For Variable value eg only choose your install path. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_01\bin

prepei na eikgana enastika sto Program Files an eine ston x86 pirazei wxe

akribos to idio problhma

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