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MxC's Users Cristmas's Wishes!


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dear guys,even if this time maybe on the title i used a non correct english,i want to hear to all of ur wishes for Cristmas..feel free to post every wish related to:RL,MxC's forum,L2 etc..come on!:D


my wishes:1-Get back my karma to 0 :/ even if i know that i have to do something useful for gain it.

              2-After the end of this year..i want to start school and rl in different way..i mean study more,kiss more my girlfriend(even if i already give a lot of kiss lol).

              3-Hope to see a very good l2 server(custom one,sry :P) come out and see InfiniteAion complete or at least live!:D

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I wish peace for the whole world.  ???


9-12-2009, 20 days left for Chirstmas but you create these kind of topics from now..

Are you people nervous, or you need as many wishes as possible so they work about Christmas or what..?



BTW Someone explain me why Christmass is also spelled X-Mas??



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