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[gr]pedia exw ftiaksei to animation kai twra den kserw pws na ftiaksw to systexture dld to megethos p na exei kai tetia kapios na me help...

[ENG]child i have create my animation and now i don't know how to make the systexture is the size of the gun that will put it within the systexture somebody help me?


Ps : Only the this who knows about Ukx



[gr]kai pos na balw to wep mesa gt merika wep exoun thn xeirolabh aristera to komati tou spathiou deksia pws ftiaxnete ayto kai se ti simio na to balw sti mesh panw katw aristera ??:S

[gr]aplos kane mia photo esy pou 8es gia texture h psakse mia sto google kane new sizes 512x512 sto photoshop kantin place meta kanthn save as TARGA import sto unreal kai etimos.


[gr]as poume san kai ayth??


gia na piasei olo to meros?

orea kane sto photoshop new dialekse diastasis 512x512 kantin place ftiaxtin oste h photo na to kalupti plhros save as TARGA import sto Unreal kai Done


Dump.. i have again problem


:S [gr]re ventic mporeis na m kaneis ena vid esi etc mono mesa sto 3ds max gia na dw ti kanw lathos?

Loipon kanto kane to PSK file import sto 3d max,meta kanto edit kanto export os 3d meta kanto import sto Zmodeler,kato export kanto import pali sto 3d kai kanto save os OBJ :P

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