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[Rate]Hero of might sig!

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i dont like em :/  the quality of both signatures are low , also the text sux :/ about the bg  the brushes that u used  sux :/

rofl lmao how the fuck are the quality low? are you blind or what?xD

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rofl lmao how the -beep- are the quality low? are you blind or what?xD


lol? this is high quality ? c'mon dude post here the original render !

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rofl lmao i didnt say that its high quality dude i only say that its not low quality..

if it's not high quality then what is  it ? Medium or Low <,<

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if it's not high quality then what is  it ? Medium or Low <,<

hmmm..... go to make a sig with that render and try to make it high quality with a good background text and everything^^

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hmmm..... go to make a sig with that render and try to make it high quality with a good background text and everything^^

ok dude , good luck w8ing too see the new one .

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Hey FI I really like your new style.Can be called nice I guess.

But you are not doing what we call GFX Signature.

A gfx signature contains c4ds,brushes,ps effects,work with tools and so on..Your style is just some brushes with a render and a text..You do know that I respect you and your effort and I am not offensive nor trying to be shown superior to you...

I just wanted to give you some tips.

First of all stop using the same background with small edits.It's pathetic believe me!

Secondly you gotta learn how to use everything that exist on photoshop...

Tools,filters,effect bla bla...

If you learn 'em you gonna be a professional designer soon...

No more words,you've got skills and a clever mind(as it seems to be)but you just need some time to test ps shits :D


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background is cool

the render is a bit hidden by bg

i dont like the text size, style and font


btw why dont you make one topic with all your edits?

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