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[Rate]New Simple Signature


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i dont like it render its not good and the shadow that you add the half bg is like a bomb dropped there i only like the lighting there above  the name nothing else.... text is not good too well...

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Happy to see a smaller size.

Let's see now..


Hmm, A new font..

I saw birth of a hero at v1.. Even if you didn't add it at v2, it is still a kind of improvement.

Take care with blending effects and placement!


This lens flare there, sucks hard (if it is a lens flare). It simply doesn't suit :/

Try the lighting effect instead of this..


Damn, I never liked this kind of "double render" effect, but in this way..

It just makes the sig VERY ugly..


Try adding a border..


Well, dunno  what to tell about the bg, I personally do not like it..


Try balancing the colours, the hue, the saturation and get rid of these crappy things like lens flare :S


Why don't you try the tutorial I gave you?

You may not like it, but the outcome is much better than this one :S


Good Luck :)

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I just tried this way "double render" just to hear the comments , about the tut that u send me i dont like it :/ could u send me a new one ? :) Thanks !!



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Nah, you must first learn how to create a good background..

Don't care so much for the outcome :S


I will send you a good, newbie tutorial, but remember this;

More effects do not mean a better outcome.

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Nah, you must first learn how to create a good background..

Don't care so much for the outcome :S


I will send you a good, newbie tutorial, but remember this;

More effects do not mean a better outcome.


this sig created only with brush/smudging

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Well, I've sent you the tutorial.

I hope you'll use it.


Waiting for your next creation.

Good Luck!

Thanks, i am gonna find a good render and i ll create stay tuned :)

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The Render is ok,the text animation for v1 really sucks bcs the i cant read what wrote there

The new one is better but i dont like the lighting efect is too lighten,anyway 7/10

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