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MD, I am here to offer help, only to the guys that want to improve everything, like frozen and d3dly (very friendly and always want to work and test new things).

If somebody does not want this, then I can not do anything else.


Let's stay on topic though!

@Triboli; If you want to make these "sigs" better, then start doing what I told.

If not, then continue on this "style".

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Man I've got nothing with you...

Seriously,You have to "study" on some guides,spend some time testing things on your own,asking others for help and ALWAYS HEAR WHAT THEY SAY,or you can just "Keep Walking" and remain like this...None will congratulate you with these creations in forums like FFX or BSGFX(professional gfx forums)...Do not expect any better comment...

Just hear what coyote says,what everyone says and don't try to push him off proving that he is wrong...Just thank him for giving you some tips...

This is the best you can do...

If you won't do so,I will not be that friendly next time that I'll see you flaming the guys who are trying to help you :D

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why you are saying that i rip it?


Him explained why him think you ripped it,because the font is really bad and the bg too good for 1 newbye lets say like you,in my opinion you ripped it too,bcs i dont think a newbye can make such an bg like there,;)

I dont have nothing with you,but this is my opinion and that i think is,and if i wrong soz,but for sure i dont wrong.

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