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Hello MxC ! In THis Guide i help Newbies to Start  l2


Lets Start



Character Creation



Once you have entered your user id and password and selected a server you will have the option of continuing to play with an exist character or creating a new character.When you first play Lineage II, you will need to create a new character by clicking the Create Character button a the lower right side of the screen.



By Clicking the `Create Character` icon from the main screen,you are taken to the character Selection Screen,where you can add you own customized character to the GAME.


The Lower right buttons of the character selection screen provide you with four options:


Creates a new character.For further details,see below.



Deletes an existing character.NOTE: Once you have selected a character for deletion, it will appear seated instead of standing.It requires one week for a character you choose for deletion to be removed from the game.



Begins the game with your selected character.



Returns you to the Login screen.



Enter the name of the character that you wish to play.Names may be up to 16 alphanumeric characters in length with no spaces.You man NOT use the name of any NPC,monster,or item that appears in the game.Names may not violate the Lineage II User Agreement.Also,the name must not conflict with one that exist in the Lineage II World chosen from the server menu.


You Can choose the race of your character from this screen.Each race has its own unique characteristic and skills that grow more pronounced the further you play in the game.



The 5 Major Races





Elf :



Dark ELf :



Orc :



Dwarf :






Understanding the Big Picture


The main screen is divided into the Status window,the Target window,the Shortcut Bar,the Chat window,the Option Screen,the Party window and the Compass.




1)Status Window

This window displays the current status of your character.Available information is the characters name,level,hit point,mana points,and progress toward the next skill level.Also,by clicking on this window you can select yourself to allow you to cast magic on your own character.


2)Target Window

This window will only become active if you have selected a target.It will allow you to check the name and HP of a monster or character.The color of the name also indicates the strength of the monster relative to your own level.An Enemy whose name appears in blue would be weaker than your character(you can kill it ),while one that appears in red would be stronger(you cant kill it ).


3)Shortcut Bar

You may place items from your Inventory window,actions from the Action Window,or skill and spells from the Skill & Magic window by dragging and dropping desired objects to the Shortcut Bar.The registered shortcuts can be used by pressing the [F1]-[F10] keys or by a simple mouse click.Aside from the initial 10 slots on the Shortcut Bar you may access up to 9 more Shortcuts Bars,giving you 100 total slots to use.You can access these additional shortcuts by clicking the arrows at the top of the bar or by pressing [ALT + F1-F10].



4)Chat and System Message Windows

The top window displays all system messages. Turn off the System Message option in the Chat Options window to display system messages only in that window.


The bottom window displays chat messages. The tabs are divided into All, Clan, Party, Trade, and Alliance chat tabs. Drag the tab of each channel to separate windows. If you want to include them in the chat window again, place the dragged tab to its original location. Use the chat window to communicate with other players in the game world.


For clan, alliance, party, and trade chatting, select the corresponding tab from the party window in the game interface to conduct a conversation without having to preface each message with a symbol.


Specific types of chat and their associated commands are listed below.


Basic Chat  : To chat with other players in the nearby area, type what you wish to say and press the "Enter" key.


Clan Chat : Type the "@" symbol (Shift-2) and a message, and the message will be displayed to other members of your clan, no matter where they are in the game world.


Alliance Chat : Type the "$" symbol (Shift-4) and a message, and the message will be displayed to other members of your alliance, no matter where they are in the game world.


Party Chat  : Type the "#" symbol (Shift-3) and a message, and the message will be displayed to all members of your current party.


Trade Chat : Type the "+" symbol before a message to send your message to the trade chat channel.


Whisper : Type a quotation mark (") before the character name, then enter your message to send a private message to another player in the game.


Shout  : Type the "!" symbol (Shift-1) followed by a message to shout the message to nearby players.


Hero : Type the "%" symbol (Shift-5) followed by a message to broadcast the message to all players on the server. This channel can only be used by Heroes once every 10 seconds.


5)Menu Bar

Character Status - Displays the current status of the character. In this window you can view a list of your character's combat stats, regular stats, social info, Vitality Points/Vitality Level, and attributes. You can also view your character's current total Adena, SP, Exp. Clan, and more.


Inventory - Displays current weapons, armor, and items in possession. Items are classified into two tabs labeled "Item" (for standard items) and "Quest" (for quest items). Items can be moved from the Inventory screen to the hot key window for easy use. You can also view your character's current weight capacity and total Adena. The location of items within your character's inventory is stored. Also, at the upper-right corner of the Inventory page, the “Inventory Auto Arrange” button has been added. Players can press this button to automatically sort the items in their inventory.


Action - Displays the actions your character can perform. The actions are broken down into Basic, Party, and Social. Actions may be dragged from the Action menu to the hot key window for convenient access.


Skills & Magic - Displays your character's current skills and magic. The Skills & Magic menu separates skills and magic by "Active" and "Passive". Within the Active tab, skills and magic are further categorized into Normal, Buff, Debuff, and Toggle.


Quest - Displays your current accepted quests and info about them including quest name, quest-giver NPC, info, progress, location and whether the quest is geared toward solo or party play, and whether it is repeatable or only completable one time. Players may accept up to 25 quests at one time.


Clan - Displays your current clan including clan level, member info, leader, clan base, and clan options.


Map – Displays the current location of the character. Click this button to see the world map, or, if you're in town, to view a layout of the village. If you enable the location display in the Quest window, the location of the quest-related target is shown on the map.  If you click the button Enlarge Map from the map window, you can enlarge the map to the size of the whole screen.


System Menu - Opens the system window, where you can submit a petition, exit the game, create and add macros, find the help menu and the community tab, and adjust game options.




6)Party Window

This window is only activated when a player has joined a party, and displays the HP and MP of other party members. Players can easily target their party members in this window. You can also view the class of party members and any spell or item effects on them.


A party window option that enlarges or reduces the party member status window is available on the window’s left side.


You can control Party Member View Buffs, View Debuffs and Disable Buff/Debuff by clicking the default party member View Buffs button (Alt+F).


A party member’s status window can be re-ordered within the party list. While holding the "Alt” key, the Status Window can be dragged to other spot within the list.


Pet/Servitor information, including HP/MP/Buff/Debuff, can also be identified within the Party Member Status Window.





As you rotate your camera and move your character, the letter "N" on the radar will rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. The "N" always indicates north and by using your current position as a center, it gives you the location information of your target character and of your party members. The radar also displays terrain information, and allows you to zoom in or out by pressing the + or - buttons on its lower-right.


Party members are shown in green and targets are shown in red. You can click on the hammer icon on the radar's upper-right to toggle the radar display options on or off (checked is on, unchecked is off). The radar display options are:


    * Hide Party Members

    * Show Monsters

    * Show My Location

    * Fixed Radar


The current position of your character is indicated by a gold arrow on the radar. The outside of the radar's display area will change color depending on what kind of area you are currently in. The radar colors by area are as follows:


    * Gray: General fields, forbidden areas (Seven Signs area, Four Sepulchers, etc)

    * Blue: Peaceful Zone

    * Red: Altered Zone (A harmful buff or normal buff is applied in this area.)

    * Orange: Siege War Zone

    * Green: PvP Arena




System Options Window


System [ALT+X]

From the lower-left toolbar,you may access system menus.The System menu provides help menus,options,restart and end-game functions.



This provides game help and other game related guides.



Options includes video,audio and game options.



Returns you to the character selection screen.


Exit Game

Exit Lineage II to your desktop.




I Hope like to you.





Credits InFamousBites






Hello MxC ! In THis Guide i help Newbies to Start  l2


Lets Start





Character Creation



Once you have entered your user id and password and selected a server you will have the option of continuing to play with an exist character or creating a new character.When you first play Lineage II, you will need to create a new character by clicking the Create Character button a the lower right side of the screen.




By Clicking the `Create Character` icon from the main screen,you are taken to the character Selection Screen,where you can add you own customized character to the GAME.


The Lower right buttons of the character selection screen provide you with four options:



Creates a new character.For further details,see below.



Deletes an existing character.NOTE: Once you have selected a character for deletion, it will appear seated instead of standing.It requires one week for a character you choose for deletion to be removed from the game.



Begins the game with your selected character.



Returns you to the Login screen.




Enter the name of the character that you wish to play.Names may be up to 16 alphanumeric characters in length with no spaces.You man NOT use the name of any NPC,monster,or item that appears in the game.Names may not violate the Lineage II User Agreement.Also,the name must not conflict with one that exist in the Lineage II World chosen from the server menu.



You Can choose the race of your character from this screen.Each race has its own unique characteristic and skills that grow more pronounced the further you play in the game.



The 5 Major Races






Elf :



Dark ELf :



Orc :



Dwarves :





Understanding the Big Picture


The main screen is divided into the Status window,the Target window,the Shortcut Bar,the Chat window,the Option Screen,the Party window and the Compass.




1)Status Window

This window displays the current status of your character.Available information is the characters name,level,hit point,mana points,and progress toward the next skill level.Also,by clicking on this window you can select yourself to allow you to cast magic on your own character.


2)Target Window

This window will only become active if you have selected a target.It will allow you to check the name and HP of a monster or character.The color of the name also indicates the strength of the monster relative to your own level.An Enemy whose name appears in blue would be weaker than your character(you can kill it ),while one that appears in red would be stronger(you cant kill it ).


3)Shortcut Bar

You may place items from your Inventory window,actions from the Action Window,or skill and spells from the Skill & Magic window by dragging and dropping desired objects to the Shortcut Bar.The registered shortcuts can be used by pressing the [F1]-[F10] keys or by a simple mouse click.Aside from the initial 10 slots on the Shortcut Bar you may access up to 9 more Shortcuts Bars,giving you 100 total slots to use.You can access these additional shortcuts by clicking the arrows at the top of the bar or by pressing [ALT + F1-F10].


4)Chat and System Message Windows

The top window displays all system messages. Turn off the System Message option in the Chat Options window to display system messages only in that window.


The bottom window displays chat messages. The tabs are divided into All, Clan, Party, Trade, and Alliance chat tabs. Drag the tab of each channel to separate windows. If you want to include them in the chat window again, place the dragged tab to its original location. Use the chat window to communicate with other players in the game world.


For clan, alliance, party, and trade chatting, select the corresponding tab from the party window in the game interface to conduct a conversation without having to preface each message with a symbol.


Specific types of chat and their associated commands are listed below.


Basic Chat   : To chat with other players in the nearby area, type what you wish to say and press the "Enter" key.


Clan Chat : Type the "@" symbol (Shift-2) and a message, and the message will be displayed to other members of your clan, no matter where they are in the game world.


Alliance Chat : Type the "$" symbol (Shift-4) and a message, and the message will be displayed to other members of your alliance, no matter where they are in the game world.


Party Chat   : Type the "#" symbol (Shift-3) and a message, and the message will be displayed to all members of your current party.


Trade Chat : Type the "+" symbol before a message to send your message to the trade chat channel.


Whisper : Type a quotation mark (") before the character name, then enter your message to send a private message to another player in the game.


Shout  : Type the "!" symbol (Shift-1) followed by a message to shout the message to nearby players.


Hero : Type the "%" symbol (Shift-5) followed by a message to broadcast the message to all players on the server. This channel can only be used by Heroes once every 10 seconds.


5)Menu Bar

Character Status - Displays the current status of the character. In this window you can view a list of your character's combat stats, regular stats, social info, Vitality Points/Vitality Level, and attributes. You can also view your character's current total Adena, SP, Exp. Clan, and more.


Inventory - Displays current weapons, armor, and items in possession. Items are classified into two tabs labeled "Item" (for standard items) and "Quest" (for quest items). Items can be moved from the Inventory screen to the hot key window for easy use. You can also view your character's current weight capacity and total Adena. The location of items within your character's inventory is stored. Also, at the upper-right corner of the Inventory page, the “Inventory Auto Arrange” button has been added. Players can press this button to automatically sort the items in their inventory.


Action - Displays the actions your character can perform. The actions are broken down into Basic, Party, and Social. Actions may be dragged from the Action menu to the hot key window for convenient access.


Skills & Magic - Displays your character's current skills and magic. The Skills & Magic menu separates skills and magic by "Active" and "Passive". Within the Active tab, skills and magic are further categorized into Normal, Buff, Debuff, and Toggle.


Quest - Displays your current accepted quests and info about them including quest name, quest-giver NPC, info, progress, location and whether the quest is geared toward solo or party play, and whether it is repeatable or only completable one time. Players may accept up to 25 quests at one time.


Clan - Displays your current clan including clan level, member info, leader, clan base, and clan options.


Map – Displays the current location of the character. Click this button to see the world map, or, if you're in town, to view a layout of the village. If you enable the location display in the Quest window, the location of the quest-related target is shown on the map.  If you click the button Enlarge Map from the map window, you can enlarge the map to the size of the whole screen.


System Menu - Opens the system window, where you can submit a petition, exit the game, create and add macros, find the help menu and the community tab, and adjust game options.


6)Party Window

This window is only activated when a player has joined a party, and displays the HP and MP of other party members. Players can easily target their party members in this window. You can also view the class of party members and any spell or item effects on them.


A party window option that enlarges or reduces the party member status window is available on the window’s left side.


You can control Party Member View Buffs, View Debuffs and Disable Buff/Debuff by clicking the default party member View Buffs button (Alt+F).


A party member’s status window can be re-ordered within the party list. While holding the "Alt” key, the Status Window can be dragged to other spot within the list.


Pet/Servitor information, including HP/MP/Buff/Debuff, can also be identified within the Party Member Status Window.



As you rotate your camera and move your character, the letter "N" on the radar will rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. The "N" always indicates north and by using your current position as a center, it gives you the location information of your target character and of your party members. The radar also displays terrain information, and allows you to zoom in or out by pressing the + or - buttons on its lower-right.


Party members are shown in green and targets are shown in red. You can click on the hammer icon on the radar's upper-right to toggle the radar display options on or off (checked is on, unchecked is off). The radar display options are:


   * Hide Party Members

   * Show Monsters

   * Show My Location

   * Fixed Radar


The current position of your character is indicated by a gold arrow on the radar. The outside of the radar's display area will change color depending on what kind of area you are currently in. The radar colors by area are as follows:


   * Gray: General fields, forbidden areas (Seven Signs area, Four Sepulchers, etc)

   * Blue: Peaceful Zone

   * Red: Altered Zone (A harmful buff or normal buff is applied in this area.)

   * Orange: Siege War Zone

   * Green: PvP Arena


System Options Window


System [ALT+X]

From the lower-left toolbar,you may access system menus.The System menu provides help menus,options,restart and end-game functions.



This provides game help and other game related guides.



Options includes video,audio and game options.



Returns you to the character selection screen.


Exit Game

Exit Lineage II to your desktop.




I Hope like to you.













Good work man, for sure ;) it is useful.

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