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[Trick] About jail.


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I found a trick while i was making some fun... I dont know if this trick exist already if it is just junk it.


When it writes "You will be jailed etc etc etc" Make a fast restart...Before teleport you..

When you log in... Ta tan..

I think works with other sitiuation too such as "kick"


3> Scofield




(it is kinda very! old)

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dude i think that is fixed and u jailed auto and fast you don`t have time to make restart !!nvm i will try it...thanks


no you have the time to restart.. auto teleporter takes 1-2 seconds to teleport you to jail so you have the time to restart

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He want to say, if you do a action illegal you go in jail and will get this message:

"You will be jailed etc etc etc"

and make fast a restart and voila when you login again you don't get jail.
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