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[Donate] Question.


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Well, I want to make donate but I am 17 years old and I don't have credit card. I had see in another forum that you can pay by using phone(you call to a number) or by using mobile phone(you send an sms and they send you a code) can I use a phone or a mobile phone for donate?


Don't answer with the following:


Ask a bigger friend of you to pay and give him the money.

Tell your parents etc etc.


If that can't happen I will donate on Christmas!

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Come on.Go on a kiosk and buy a pay safe card of 10/25 euros.Send the number to Maxtor and he will give you your new status!

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You can donate using paysafe card.

Oh you are right! I had forgot it. So because atm I don't have money :S I will take at Christmas from my godmother 100 euros so I will donate.


What is better to donate? Donator Member or Platinum? and why?


After the answer lock the topic.

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It depends.If you want the privs donate for Platinum!

Actually Donator member are not benificied at all.They just see the hidden topics.There is anything that worths on the hidden section!

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About the hidden section we made a poll to make it more active, but maxtor never answered..


and the only active topic got deleted



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oh god cant you find 12 euros?i take 10 every morning at school + 20 at noons .. man you are really poor

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