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81 Songs! Maybe there are more!

you dont know 81 songs, you just copied and paste em...

you counted and Texas cd, this is live and not album with new songs lol 0ax0a0xa0x0a

and you forgot to add "new divide" of Tranceforemce(whatever is spelled) and "We Made It" with LP and Bust Rhymes

one more proof about you dont know many things about lp and everything of your topic is c/p


Well, Listen me all!


I didn't make that topic to flame(disagree) about which band is the best. I created it for the Linkin Park Lovers and ONLY!


If you dont like Linkin Park don't post at this topic.


By the way, Congratulations to Linkin Park yesterday they won one more Award!



then hide it and to be viewed only by LP lovers 0ax0ax0a0x0a0x



1st: I didn't say that they don't scream. They scream but you can understand what they are saying.


2nd: Slipknot singer have a really nice voice, but he wasting it in scream. What is the point to have a great voice and don't using it?


3d: I think that Slipknot band had some problems and destroyed for a while, I don't think that Linkin Park have broke.


About Xero:


When I start listening Linkin Park it was before 3-4 years. I had read them story and I remember well Xero was a band when they was kids, they had graduate from highschool, and then they recruit Chester! I think I am not sure.


1) my post was for another person not for you..

2) corey has awesome voice and dont waste it to screaming, if slipknot was a screaming-voice band then it would be screamo band and not metal band

3) all bands have some problems, like linkin park (they were xero, destroyed and made LP)



Topic Updated a Lot !! Check the new staff:


1) History

2) Awars

3) All songs

when i said about Xero then you made update and paste info about Xero and you told that you know em, ok...


PS to an old post u said that you hate slipknot and now you are saying that slipknot is a good band?:S



rock? x0a0xa0 ok...

do you know what means rock music??? listen to me and learn... rock music means when a song contains electric guitar and medium/hard drums


i think that the most of LP songs [90%] have electric guitar and facking amazing drums


and i think that you told that LP just play only rythms... don;t make me laugh...


i will give you now a link of a live show with Bleed it our and listen what means rock music, facking amazing drums and electric guitar and then tell again if you want that they just only play rythms.



you dont know 81 songs, you just copied and paste em...

Well I don't know 81  songs but i know more than 20-30.


you counted and Texas cd, this is live and not album with new songs lol 0ax0a0xa0x0a

and you forgot to add "new divide" of Tranceforemce(whatever is spelled) and "We Made It" with

Well, I didn't know that it is a live. I didn't write the songs i c/p them.


one more proof about you dont know many things about lp and everything of your topic is c/p

then hide it and to be viewed only by LP lovers 0ax0ax0a0x0a0x

Yeah I don't know many things so what? Is that a bad thing? Will I go to jail because I don't know everything?? Can't hide it as you know, funny guy... ^^


1) my post was for another person not for you..

2) corey has awesome voice and dont waste it to screaming, if slipknot was a screaming-voice band then it would be screamo band and not metal band

3) all bands have some problems, like linkin park (they were xero, destroyed and made LP)

1) So what? I answer for him.

2) Corey doesn't waste his voice to screaming? The whole song is just a scream.

3) LP was Xero they add more people and they change the name to Linkin Park


when i said about Xero then you made update and paste info about Xero and you told that you know em, ok...

Everything I have write in this topic it's c/p from Wikipedia, I hadn't c/p everything but after the update I c/p the rest and the awards and everything else.


PS to an old post u said that you hate slipknot and now you are saying that slipknot is a good band?:S


Oh Jesus! I didn't say that I like Slipknot!! I said that Corey have a great voice and he can't join another band or create another with nice songs not screamo.






do you know what means rock music??? listen to me and learn... rock music means when a song contains electric guitar and medium/hard drums


i think that the most of LP songs [90%] have electric guitar and facking amazing drums


and i think that you told that LP just play only rythms... don;t make me laugh...


i will give you now a link of a live show with Bleed it our and listen what means rock music, facking amazing drums and electric guitar and then tell again if you want that they just only play rythms.



Where the -beep- do you see a guitar solo?Only rythms..


and i think that you told that LP just play only rythms... don;t make me laugh...

i didnt say anything like this


Well, I didn't know that it is a live.

at texas was the one of the best lives ever of linkin u should know it like a LP fan



2) Corey doesn't waste his voice to screaming? The whole song is just a scream.

if you dont know about Slipknot then do not talk shit about them

(check Vermilion)



3) LP was Xero they add more people and they change the name to Linkin Park


LP was Xero, some members left from the band and then they took Chester and one more guy, i think Brad



I said that Corey have a great voice and he can't join another band or create another with nice songs not screamo.

You said that corey cant create/join another band with nice songs? wtf? this post is no comment


Next One Who Will Write Post Like This

omg lp sucks hard .

Or Something Like They Are Not Rock Or Something Else Will Be Reported By Me(xD).

The Topic Created For LP Lovers And Not For Spam.






/End of Discussion If you like Slipknot go and join vazelos topic

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