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[Guide]How to Delete Windows Genuine!


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Hello MxC!


Do you have unoriginal version of your windows xp / vista and you have this notification of Windows Genuine that annoys you??


Here is the solution how to delete it !



STEP 1 :


Click on Start>My Computer.



STEP 2 :


Type the following text into the address bar at the top of the page C:\WINDOWS\system32



STEP 3 :


Locate the file called WgaTray or WgaTray.exe and click on it once.



STEP 4 :


Press the shift+delete keys (this combination will automatically delete the files completely off your PC instead of to the Recycle Bin) but don’t confirm the deletion yet.



STEP 5 :


Right click on a non-occupied area of the taskbar and select Task Manager.



STEP 6 :


Click on the Processes tab at the top.



STEP 7 :


Select the process called WgaTray.exe and click the end process button at the bottom and click yes to confirm the process termination.



STEP 8 :


Confirm the delete of the WgaTray that you semi-deleted earlier (this must be done almost immediately after the process termination because it will re-open itself quickly so it’s a good idea to have the deletion confirmation window open behind the task manager for fast access).



STEP 9 :


Restart your PC.



STEP 10 :


In the system32 folder that was opened earlier, find and select the file called WgaLogon.dll and drag it into the Recycle Bin (located on the Desktop).



STEP 11 :


Empty your Recycle Bin.



STEP 12 :


Restart your PC and the Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Tool shouldn’t run anymore so now you have completely hassle free Windows XP usage.





Have Fun ;)

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hmm...what is windows Genuine ?


When you have unoriginal windows and it has you a notification to make them original by paying..


With this guide , you can delete it in order not to annoy you.


Screen :



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I think this would be the right section? http://www.maxhackers.com/forum/index.php?board=25.0


Nop.Its a guide so the section if you see is Guides & Tutorials

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More easy reinstal your windows xp and voila. And disable update windows.Anyway is good your steps thanks man.

You know you could just choose "download updates but don't install them for me" and then choose not to install the genuine update. And the tick the "never remind me again" thing? I suppose this would work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i know another way

join in one warez forum and search for windows activator so simply

but thnx for guide :D

Many dangers from it and you never know ;-)

this is the safer way ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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