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Im looking 2-3 days now.. the time passing and im tired :(

Can someone who have the kindness to say me this one...


I tried l2 walker version 2.09 and 2.13 .. Server is Gracia final www.infinitel2.com

(I have this problem) My Player Skills working like attack/skills/heals/e.t.c But i have Problem at my Inventory...Show's my dagger only or sometimes my mage weapon only :(



**Look Please this ScreenShot ----> helpkz.th.jpg and someone who is expert or have experience at l2 walker plz help me..


i don't know nothing else to say.. Im confused.. and very sad too...


if i solve this problem.. then i will can use healing potions and i will be ready to farm / exp my char easy :)



PS: sorry for my english.. im greek... ty






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