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[Rate]Prototype Signature


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V1 is better like v2,because on the v1 i can understand what there write,on the 2nd not same thing..


9/10 To V1!

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nice one! I like it! Except two things!


2)The left side of the signature it's sharper than the right that it's smudged or maybe it's fault of my eyes!

left side give you an imagination about the places which are more metres back...

right side is the background  of the render... :)

i think you understand what i trying t say now :)

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Ok after some gfx styles i made a new one...

not something so different from others !







i like v1 because v2 the text is like Otrike not Strike thats why;p but i like the whole signature so i vote 8/10

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kewl background, as always.

The font of the text in the first sig, was quite good, although, the 4 lines you added made it a bit..."bad".

And also, It would be better in a more green colour.

So, 8.5/10.


BTW which is the font in the first text?

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