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[help]edit files from system

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so i tryed it many many times now and i always get this error and yes i use patched system and dont works anyway here is a screen..


maybe some 1 have a tutorial for it i really need it. thx advance



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download another file edit.


also maybe its your patch's problem try to use another one..


and, maybe there's a typo on the line.

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hmm looks like u have patched system and u opened armorgrp just fine so your problem is that the lines u add are wrong and needs to be adapted for your version of armorgrp.


actually i see in your screenshot "Decimal conversion unsuccesful." that happens when there is typo in your lines like spaces instead of tabs, characters like &^%$#@ where shouldnt be and stuff like that.. so just post the lines that u try to add..


ps: nice chick rofl

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