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[Contest Guide]Starter Guide for L2j


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Well, okay it is for more experienced users..

But not with professional java experience, just compile skills =P


There are still a few guides to read though, which are dedicated to beginers ;)


Thats what I'm talking about ^^


I'm a complete newbie, I always said "I'll sit and learn" but I never do it :P

I want a guide that Explains Everything!

Detailed, well written and dedicated for us newbies.


If someone creates a thread like that, well... he'll surly earn my respect... (Since I don't have the privlege to give karma :P)

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Thats what I'm talking about ^^


I'm a complete newbie, I always said "I'll sit and learn" but I never do it :P

I want a guide that Explains Everything!

Detailed, well written and dedicated for us newbies.


If someone creates a thread like that, well... he'll surly earn my respect... (Since I don't have the privlege to give karma :P)


But heres the thing the "dedicated to newbies" can be a lot of things and you cant talk about l2j generally because its just tooo long but if you can be more specific well than im sure you get your guide

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