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What do blind people see?


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I was just wondering.


What do blind people see?

Do they see black?


I don't think that they see black... why? Beacuse we see black/darkness only when there is no light, otherwise

if there is light we can see clearly.


Also black is defined as a color so blind people shouldn't be able to see that color...


Tell me your opinion =]

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can u repeat it one more time?



nah i got it..


ask a man that he was seeing when he was young but he became blind cause of an accident or cause of something else.. he can tell u exaclty how it is..

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I guess it's hard to explain...


I don't think that they actually see ANYTHING. They just don't have that sense. To give you an example... You don't have a radar-brain, like bats do, to sense a tree close to you without looking at it

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A blind person will definitely answer you right here when he 'sees' this topic.

Mayby in future they can. Right now they can read special writing from letter (rise and holes in paper). Mayby in future the text can be converted into holes and rises.

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