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[HELP]Some questions about Aion.

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i started yesterday playing aion but i have some questions.

i posted it here cuz i couldn't understand where else to post it,if it's wrong,just move it,sry.


1)In aion,is there a WH?

2)I've heard many ppl saying,Where i buy Abyss?"What's that"?

3)I've heard many ppl saying,How to go to Abyss?(I got twisted after that)

2-3)So the question is,what's the difference between,buy abyss and go to abyss?

4)To get nice gear,i need to craft?I've seen in 1 town(i cannot remember its name) some npcs that give u crafting quests....

5)Aion,has buffers?i mean buffers like l2 (prophets)?Hell no npcs,just other players that can provide you buffs..?

6)In aion,are there raids,that clans or random groups kill them?

7)In aion,can i make a clan?if yes,any one can make a clan?

8)In aion,are there Soulshots and spiritshots?

9)In aion,are there Symbols like l2?...

10)Where i buy jewels?:O

i will add more questions later.


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1)In aion,is there a WH?-Yes it is

2)I've heard many ppl saying,Where i buy Abyss?"What's that"?-Abyss is a place and u cant buy it ;p

3)I've heard many ppl saying,How to go to Abyss?(I got twisted after that)-I dont know yet but i know u get there at lvl25 and beyond

2-3)So the question is,what's the difference between,buy abyss and go to abyss?-You cant buy Abyss....maybe he meant Abyss points that u cant buy but they may made it possible at the private server u play...Abyss is the place where is the fun part...its the place you can PvP and aqquire abyss points

4)To get nice gear,i need to craft?I've seen in 1 town(i cannot remember its name) some npcs that give u crafting quests.... - You can craft or aqquire through the Abyss point system

5)Aion,has buffers?i mean buffers like l2 (prophets)?Hell no npcs,just other players that can provide you buffs..?-Yes its the Chanters that can buff

6)In aion,are there raids,that clans or random groups kill them?- Yes there are raids and the clans at aion are named Legions

7)In aion,can i make a clan?if yes,any one can make a clan?- Yes u can create a Legion

8)In aion,are there Soulshots and spiritshots?-Yes there simillar to Soulshots that called powershards

9)In aion,are there Symbols like l2?...-Yes but i think limited ones

10)Where i buy jewels?:O- From NPC at Pandemonium or u can craft

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1)In aion,is there a WH?

2)I've heard many ppl saying,Where i buy Abyss?"What's that"?

3)I've heard many ppl saying,How to go to Abyss?(I got twisted after that)

2-3)So the question is,what's the difference between,buy abyss and go to abyss?

4)To get nice gear,i need to craft?I've seen in 1 town(i cannot remember its name) some npcs that give u crafting quests....

5)Aion,has buffers?i mean buffers like l2 (prophets)?Hell no npcs,just other players that can provide you buffs..?

6)In aion,are there raids,that clans or random groups kill them?

7)In aion,can i make a clan?if yes,any one can make a clan?

8)In aion,are there Soulshots and spiritshots?

9)In aion,are there Symbols like l2?...

10)Where i buy jewels?:O

i will add more questions later.





1)Yeap and you can expand it (with Kinah - money)

2)You will go at Abyss at 25lv.At Abyss you can find elyos + asmodian (pvp - flying pvp) fortress to capture (Sieges) Artifacts (they can help during fortress , killing everyone in their path) flying platforms and much more. Abyss is the core of the game after 25lv.

3)You can go at 25lv doing some easy quests.But Abyss won't be easy ^ ^

4)You must learn weaponsmith , armorsmith about food you can learn cooking etc. Also you can buy via Trade Broker (aka Action House) which are really cheap

5)Yes , clerics and chanters can  give you buffs.

6)Of course there are raids even if you want to get a Fortress you can to kill it's raid boss ^ ^. Also on Aion clan is called Legion. Then you get an emblem (chrest) on your Legion you will have it on your cape. Also if you capture a fortress your Legion's Emblem will be on it.


8)Yes , power shards

9)Hm... well there are Manastones which you can fuse them in your weapon i would call the symbols.

10)Trade Broker (action house) by drop of the mobs , by quests or craft them.


Also Campaign quests which are must-to-do will provide you with a good gear.

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hell thanks to everyone that answered,but i got one more Question,how do i get  Soulshots that called powershards (lol :O)i mean,how do i know what grade of them i need...?

PS:I am 26.50% lvl.

i reached that level without powershards aka ss??LOLED.

AND one more question,orbs or spellbooks are better?

i got an orb,but i think that my "casting speed" lowered ,


also,all the skills are learned automaticaly?,i mean,i dont have to go to an npc and click "learn skills" or something like that?....

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