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[WTS] chars on core server 12x server


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Hello !!!


[glow=red,2,300]http://core.lineager.eu[/glow] has a growing community with friendly and good people and we like to give you the change to get a taste of...  ( I am playing here )

So , Gm-s organized an event where people share their chars for new people to come , and if they like the server , they might keep the chars...

Here is a link to subscribe : [glow=red,2,300]http://forum.lineager.eu/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=263[/glow]

Try your chance today and you might get lucky...

Here is the list with available chars (the chars are between 60 - 80, no more details , you can achieve full a grade , ant queen +4 and others depending on your luck)


New character list :


















After a week of playing you can request a name change...

So, see you as soon as possible.

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Hi i was searching for a good low rate gracia final server and this seems good and also this chance to give to new peoples a good char is nice so i am interested on char spoiler cause i like dwarfs :)

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I joined , I got Sauron , DD :)) Great , the server is really nice and although the population is not so large , there are so nice ppl , very friendly , helpul and very good GMs, they keep on daily updating.


I hope you can join , these guys are making a very good Job !!! So it will be a pity to not join this server. I am playing for 3 years L2 and this is a great server , you should enter.



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