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Well the point of this report is no dekarma him or ban him or neither judge him.

I just ant to say that i saw him to judge and attack to many users. I want this think ends now. Some one warn him that while debating and discussing in a topic, tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts are npt accepted here. Ex. some is shares something and istead off tell him some gratzs he attack to him E.X. like for credits (me). Actually to defend my self in this matter when i am saying credits i mean 


-Your *Vazelos* or  -Ragards *Vazelos*


You own to respect others shares and work.


Finaly I am saying that this think about judging aka blame must stops now for all members. ( I'am reporting md coz he blame me)


Any mod may put an end of warning or start punishing?

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it's MasterDisaster btw can you explain me the point of this report? cause blame someone sometimes or judging someone ?

well to end this story too just speak with him via pm's and find a solution each other

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First of all it's disaster and not Disatser!

Anyway let's get ontopic!

I guess i am going to need a big amount of courage to get that over!

Well,I just find your posts useless,senseless,stupid.

That's all!

Too many members do what i do in a more aggressive way so why should i get banned/warned/smited?

Staff members do too!

I didn't flame you nor wanted to!

Just make up your mind!

That's all!

And about da credits i am not wrong and you do know it!

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Since you steal my "regards", please tell it well...

It's regards not ragards ;s


bTW he's not the only one doing that. And btw he's telling the truth in any topic, not lies and flames...

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First of all it's disaster and not Disatser!

Anyway let's get ontopic!

I guess i am going to need a big amount of courage to get that over!

Well,I just find your posts useless,senseless,stupid.

That's all!

Too many members do what i do in a more aggressive way so why should i get banned/warned/smited?

Staff members do too!

I didn't flame you nor wanted to!

Just make up your mind!

That's all!

And about da credits i am not wrong and you do know it!

read carefully you didnt get my point. You are just an example.

Btw disatser is a typo and i dont care which your nick name.




This point is an expamle as you see this days we have a lot of flames aka blmaes, judging. I just report it and now i am flaming aka judging and blame for my shares? (i you dont like just do not judge md or all the sh*ts that you are doing.)

Well,I just find your posts useless,senseless,stupid.
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the point is this days judging etc overdone, of all the members so do me...

Since when me and all the other members are not allowed to judge?

Democracy and freedom of opinion are phrases that your dictionary obviously does not have!

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Btw disatser is a typo and i dont care which your nick name.


ok *panistanos*. just LOOOLOOLOLOLOLOL


that's the point i don't get it we can't even tell our opinion now ; and it's not our opinion that hurts it's the truth what the hell is going on here ?? <.<



no more comments i just agree with this


First of all it's disaster and not Disatser!

Well,I just find your posts useless,senseless,stupid.

That's all!

Too many members do what i do in a more aggressive way so why should i get banned/warned/smited?

Staff members do too!

I didn't flame you nor wanted to!

Just make up your mind!

That's all!

And about da credits i am not wrong and you do know it!



have fun :D

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Since when me and all the other members are not allowed to judge?

Democracy and freedom of opinion are phrases that your dictionary obviously does not have!

General Rules:



• While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.


You dint get that you are an expamle.

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