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[GUIDE] Enchance Your Weapon Quest


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Enchance your weapon as you know is a quest to get enchant  Soul Crystals to put SA on your weapon


Ok to make this quest you must

Have a character LvL 40

Go to giran magister Jurek

This quest is repeatable


Talk to Jurek and he will explain you what to do and wich mobs to hunt. Each soul crystal can absorb 10 souls i think :P


You can hold 1 crystal when you are hunting mobs but... here i found this :P  Take 20-30 and when you go to mobs drop them down or ask a friend to hold them for you :)


How to Use Soul Crystals


Put soul crystal to you hot bar (f1,f2,f3 etc.) and when mobs hp is down to 30% then use it then kill mobs if you succeded the crystal will be enchanted if you failed the crystal will crystalize :P (its not 100% change to go +)


The Soul Crystals Are:

Red 6951c8610da7ff608b6d6db686019b2a.gif

Green 37da25b01070c8d9746bbc4fee54d28e.gif

Blue bd6d6b72b20f7b0d48122f478192d445.gif


Thats all guys i hope that i helped




Credits to HM5

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Enchance your weapon as you know is a quest to get enchant  Soul Crystals to put SA to your weapon


Ok to make this quest you must

Have a character LvL 40

Go to giran magister Jurek

This quest is repeatable


Talk to Jurek and he will explain you what to do and wich mobs to hunt. Each soul crystal can absorb 10 souls i think :P


You can hold 1 crystal when you are hunting mobs but... here i found this :P Or take 20-30 and when you go to mobs drop them down or ask a friend to hold them for you :)


How to Use Soul Crystals


Put soul crystal to f2 or anywhere you want and when mobs hp is down to 30% then use it then kill mobs if you succeded the crystal will be enchanted if you failed the crystal will crystalize :P (its not 100% change to go +)


The Soul Crystals Are:





Thats all guys i hope that i helped


Credits : To me ;D



dont need this anymore... crys now are selling in luxurious shop in giran.... stages 7-10 and stages 10+ are in rbs, only need give last hit and have it on inventory, nothing more
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dont need this anymore... crys now are selling in luxurious shop in giran.... stages 7-10 and stages 10+ are in rbs, only need give last hit and have it on inventory, nothing more

I was playing a x15 rate server and you must do the quest to get them shops were selling from stage 1 only
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Then you can buy 7-10 lvl SC from shop. For 11 lvl or more you need raids and for 6 lvl or less you need to lvl crystal normally.

yes but at lvl 1-6 ? lvl 5 at my server i need to make staff blessed body for oly
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I don't mean to be rude but i really do think this is useless as we all know Wiki L2 Sites like Stratics pmfun where we can find various guides on all the quests. But your effort is not to be ignored so good job anyway!

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I don't mean to be rude but i really do think this is useless as we all know Wiki L2 Sites like Stratics pmfun where we can find various guides on all the quests. But your effort is not to be ignored so good job anyway!

fell free to say your opinion 8) for me u are not rude you just say your opinion
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fell free to say your opinion 8) for me u are not rude you just say your opinion


Thanks for understanding me. As i said you've made a nice effort but this guide can be found in so many places so it's not really worth making another guide on the same subject ;)

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