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Where is the right section to post this question?


HI all

Im like the noobish starting admin of any server can be...


I understand things related to devolping and creating a server (learnt by reading here and in l2j l2jfree etc )

My noobish question is , How do i change in skill trainer instead of consuming SP, change it to adena (57) or any other item i want?


Do i have to repack or is there any way to script/Db change even sql or something like that  to change it?


The html of a certain trainer is 30105 and he has this writen (objectId%_SkillList) where do i edit this list?


Thanks in advance for the answers if im in wrong section , im sorry

At least i tried to find the correct place ....


I already have a website made by me http://www.l2x6tense.info (crapy one prolly) im also trying to SSh trow website to my database...still reading on this issues

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well if you dont know the answer dont spam lol...


@On topic

To remove the SP consumption check out skill_trees table...

There isnt option to add adena consumption, but there is one trick that might work... use adena instead of spellbooks(skill_spellbooks table), but the bad thing is that it takes only adena for the initial level... there is also a table called special_skill_trees, you can check it out too, but im not sure for what teacher it is...

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to change the sp consumption you need to change the value in the exact datatable in the java to take adena instead of sp but well you said you are starting only so i suggest you to learn the java basics before start any modification like that

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HI, sorry for the late reply

I have to thank you all for the time and efford you made trying to figure it out , how to do this.


Well like i said above , im very noob, compared to you all

but i already started learning java compiles, still i only figured out how to pull a datapack and then compile it... Im still reading on how to edit my own datapack that is already compiled.


Still i like the above opinion on trying to use table(learn_skill_spealbook)

but for example if i use the item id (57) then how much will it take to learn (dont see any option for amount)


I searched in table (skill_tree) and there is a table for sp , you think i can add a table for adena then it will consume adena and sp?

prolly not but you know more then me.....



About java could you tell me where do i change and what code do i need to put, or its just a change...


Ha and btw i already made the connection php  to work l2x6tense.info/RBmap

Thanks again for all your replies   ;)

I would like to become a better "cheater" in the future lol

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about java i cant tell because there are a neccessary knowledge to be able to handle it search for guides about java here in mxc and start to learn from them^^

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