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NPC trainer (change from Sp consume to adena)

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HI all

Im like the noobish starting admin of any server can be...


I understand things related to devolping and creating a server (learnt by reading here and in l2j l2jfree etc )

My noobish question is , How do i change in skill trainer instead of consuming SP, change it to adena (57) or any other item i want?


Do i have to repack or is there any way to script/Db change even sql or something like that  to change it?


The html of a certain trainer is 30105 and he has this writen (objectId%_SkillList) where do i edit this list?


Thanks in advance for the answers if im in wrong section , im sorry

At least i tried to find the correct place ....


I already have a website made by me http://www.l2x6tense.info (crapy one prolly) im also trying to SSh trow website to my database...still reading on this issues

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