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Im gonna try to explain How to create whatever zone you want in pvp instance For L2jSERVER! and sorry for my english, i do my best....


First of all you will need the coordinates of the area to change, I recommend using a table area, because it is easier.


For example(This is for SQL)

If i wanna change the last room of Garden of Eva to pvp zone. So then i must insert something like this:


Insert into zone_vertices values


Insert into zone_vertices values


Insert into zone_vertices values


Insert into zone_vertices values



As u can see there are this fields:

(ID, order, X , Y);

ID = Whatever... just check if its not already taken.


Order = The order can be from 0 to 3 for a table, from 0 to 4 for a pentagon..etc or from 1 to 4 for a table too..


X = Coordinates in X (Just move your char in game to a corner of the area you want to transform and write the command /loc and u will see the coord from that point)


Y = Coordinates in Y (Just move your char in game to a corner of the area you want to transform and write the command /loc and u will see the coord from that point)


Once you have that, so u can edit the Zone.xml  in gameserver\data\zones. You must insert here the type of zone, Z coord and respawn point when somebody die there. for example i added into Arenas Area.


<!-- Arenas -->

<zone id="11010" type="Arena" shape="Cuboid" minZ="-3800" maxZ="-3600">

<stat name="name" val="Giran Arena"/>

<stat name="spawnX" val="73890"/>

<stat name="spawnY" val="142656"/>

<stat name="spawnZ" val="-3778"/>


<zone id="11011" type="Arena" shape="Cuboid" minZ="-3700" maxZ="-3500">

<stat name="name" val="Gludin Arena"/>

<stat name="spawnX" val="-86979"/>

<stat name="spawnY" val="142402"/>

<stat name="spawnZ" val="-3643"/>


<zone id="11012" type="Arena" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3500" maxZ="-3300">

<stat name="name" val="Coliseum"/>

<stat name="spawnX" val="147451"/>

<stat name="spawnY" val="46728"/>

<stat name="spawnZ" val="-3410"/>


<zone id="11013" type="Arena" shape="Cuboid" minZ="-3600" maxZ="-3500">

<stat name="name" val="Monster Track"/>

<stat name="spawnX" val="12312"/>

<stat name="spawnY" val="182752"/>

<stat name="spawnZ" val="-3558"/>


<zone id="27200" type="Arena" shape="NPoly" minZ="-17500" maxZ="-16500">

<stat name="name" val="PVP ZONE"/>

<stat name="spawnX" val="81236"/>

<stat name="spawnY" val="148638"/>

<stat name="spawnZ" val="-3469"/>


<!-- Towns -->

<zone id="11020" type="Town" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3800" maxZ="-3300">

<stat name="name" val="Giran Castle Town"/>

<stat name="townId" val="9"/>

<stat name="redirectTownId" val="11"/>

<stat name="taxById" val="3"/>

<stat name="spawnX" val="81236"/>

<stat name="spawnY" val="148638"/>

<stat name="spawnZ" val="-3469"/>








<zone id="27200" type="Arena" shape="NPoly" minZ="-17500" maxZ="-16500">

<stat name="name" val="PVP ZONE"/>

<stat name="spawnX" val="81236"/>

<stat name="spawnY" val="148638"/>

<stat name="spawnZ" val="-3469"/>



Zone id ="The id that u used before in sql"

type="Arena" <--- it doesnt change

shape="Npoly"<--- it doesnt change

minZ="You can see this coord using /loc in game, its the last number x,y,z. "

maxZ="Same like MinZ, This is used if there are reliefs or mountains within the area" for example if u are in 214123, -41254, -3500 so then u move to another corner and the coords are 254123, -41254, -3300 <-- that means ur in a higher place so then u must put MinZ="-3500" and maxZ="-3300"

stat name="name"<--- it doesnt change

val="PVP ZONE" change it for whatever u want.

Giran Respawn COORDs.-

      <stat name="spawnX" val="81236"/>

<stat name="spawnY" val="148638"/>

<stat name="spawnZ" val="-3469"/>


Maybe this could helps you, i haven't seen a kind of guide like this.


Thank u so much there was another guide like yours to set zones but the other guy got a problem with his english and couldnt understand it well but with your guide i really understand it.


By the way your english are really good than someother guys from the forum.


Thnx again keep it up.


Can i ask you a favor panchio ??...i want to put a hellbound in a pvp zone...but a can made the coord work correctly...something i do wrong...you can put here the example to do the desert of hellbound (the white coffee part in map, the left side) a pvp zone??, becose i try many times but not resulting, the zone is this:




if you can help me with this i apreciate it.


thanks and greetings.


diesel, for that kind of zone i will suggest a wyvern to take better cords X, Y.  and about the sides, i would recommend 5, a pentagon. and about your question, i could guess the problem is in the Z coords, check it.



If u want more help just tell me the Coords that you got there.

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