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[HELP]8elw na bgalw to pacefull zone apo hunter!



Paidia exw ena problhma

8a kanw to Hunter Village pvp area kai 8elw na bgalw to pacefull zone!

dld na borw na kanw pvp mesa!

pws 8a to kanw afto?

Xrhshmopiw l2jserver pack kai gracia final an boh8aei!

Plesea help me!

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des pws einai ta ala towns kai alakse ta coordinares tou hunters village opws sta ala towns, i ftiaxe to diko s row

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anixe \gameserver\data\zones


kai meta bres auto edw...



	<zone id="11030" type="Town" shape="NPoly" minZ="-2800" maxZ="-1600">
	<stat name="name" val="Hunter Village"/>
	<stat name="townId" val="11"/>
	<stat name="taxById" val="5"/>
	<stat name="spawnX" val="117163"/>
	<stat name="spawnY" val="76511"/>
	<stat name="spawnZ" val="-2712"/>

kanto delete wste na bgi apo town.. dokimase auto kai pes m..




P.s omws afise ena poli mikro komati giati to Hunter Villagen ginete use gia ta siege opote afise ena mikro komati san Town ;)

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