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[HELP] Lineage II MOD based on D&D



Hi guys, I hope I'm posting this in the correct place this time :)


I'm starting a Lineage II MOD based on D&D and will be needing people to help out with XML / Java programming and overall planning. I have started a site: http://www.l2dnd.com/ where I'm planning stuff and posting.


For more info contact me via forum or at the site...



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Oh, sorry... D&D is Dungeons and Dragons, an RPG system. It's pretty famous =)


I think people who haven't played it before should give it a try (not a computer game, it's the table RPG). But I also believe that people who never have played D&D probably won't be very interested in my project hehehe...

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So how the hell do you intent on converting a 3D MMORPG where the whole action deppends on the user, and transform it into a table MMORPG, where the hole action is actually based on luck and no interaction ?

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So how the hell do you intent on converting a 3D MMORPG where the whole action deppends on the user, and transform it into a table MMORPG, where the hole action is actually based on luck and no interaction ?

I didn't say I was gonna transform it into a table MMORPG. Calm down man. I said I'm making a mod based on D&D... But, as I said, not everyone might like it... I think it's a fantastic project (obviously) and I'm inviting anyone else who's interested... Who isn't interested has every right to just ignore what I'm doing...


Oh... And a table RPG isn't entirely based on luck and no interaction. To the contrary, I would say: what defines the outcome of the game is how well you interpret your character and interact with the proposed story... Of course there is luck, but in everything there is luck, even in Lineage II! :)

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Interesting project. And what an idea - the essence of D & D??? Includes client changes or only the server changes?

Huh.? I had submitted a reply... Well, I'll send it again.


Basically the idea is to adapt as best as possible D&D to an MMO. Since I love L2 and have played it for several years, I decided to try and adapt it to L2. I don't have the time and team to start a new game from scratch. I think this mod will bring new "life" to L2, which, to me, has become a bit tedious due to the lack of builds and versatility of the characters. Core PnP (Pen'n'Paper) D&D players might not like it because it will have to suffer several modifications to become playable in L2, but if you look at DDO (which, may I add, is an excellent game) you'll see that they had to alter MANY things to make it a fun MMO. So finally answering your first question: yes, the idea is to capture the essence of D&D, not make it a "Pen & Paper"-like MMO (if that is ever possible some day).


About client changes... Look: officially only server changes, but I think we all know that a modification in such large scale will necessarily need client modding, but I can't really talk about that on the site. That's only 'backstage' information...

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