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And aew galley completely blz...!!! This is mine first post here in the L2JBRASIL, and I wait what like and at the same time they help OK ... since I saw some persons when PRECEPTOR is asking the WINGS for CT2.2, I caught a pack of the "criticalerror" and resolved to try to adapt for most of the Gracia pt 2, e only what I managed to pass  already " I  of the wings I still did not get, if someone will have been when the itemname disposed to be put in order oh it would help and very much, not only to me: with this pack you manage to put the wings normally in the server, and up to visualizing them, the only difference that has is that their names are lacking to appear, and the brilliance that had in the version CT2.3 (gracia end) is not appearing, out that is completely normal.


Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/130651266/57a96e65/AION_WINGS_CT22BY_ANGELS.html


this put it into the system: http://www.4shared.com/file/130683555/b25b76a3/itemname-e.html

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