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Hi Paidia Ekana Ena Share Gia Ta Agument Skills...

Sas Dinw Ena Link Gia Na To Katevasete San Arxeio..




Kai San Code Edw Gia Na Ta Dite Ama 8elete...




     3124	10 Item Skill: Blessed Body	Active: Increases the maximum HP by 300 temporarily.	none	none                          
     3125	10 Item Skill: Battle Roar	Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amoun.	none	none
     3126	10 Item Skill: Prayer	Active: Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic temporarily.	none	none
     3127	10 Item Skill: Recharge	Active: Regenerates MP. Power 69.	none	none
     3128	10 Item Skill: Blessed Soul	Active: Increases the maximum MP by 200 temporarily.	none	none
     3129 	10 Item Skill: Mana Gain	Active: Increases the recharge recover rate of MP.	none	none
     3130	10 Item Skill: Ritual	Active: Regenerates CP. Power 473.	none	none
     3131	10 Item Skill: Cheer	Active: Increases the maximum CP by 300 temporarily.	none	none
     3132	10 Item Skill: Might	Active: Increases P. Atk. temporarily.	none	none
     3133	10 Item Skill: Empower	Active: Increases M. Atk. temporarily.	none	none
     3134	10 Item Skill: Duel Might	Active: Increases PVP P. Atk. temporarily.	none	none
     3135	10 Item Skill: Shield	Active: Increases P. Def. temporarily.	none	none
     3136	10 Item Skill: Magic Barrier	Active: Increases M. Def. temporarily.	none	none
     3138	10 Item Skill: Heal Empower	Active: Increases the power of HP recovery magic temporarily.	none	none
     3139	10 Item Skill: Agility	Active: Increases Dodge temporarily.	none	none
     3140	10 Item Skill: Guidance	Active: Increases Accuracy temporarily.	none	none
     3141	10 Item Skill: Focus	Active: Increases the chance of a critical attack temporarily.	none	none
     3142	10 Item Skill: Wild Magic	Active: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks temporarily.	none	none
     3143	10 Item Skill: Kiss of Eva	Active: Increases Lung Capacity temporarily.	none	none
     3144	10 Item Skill: Acrobatics	Active: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage temporarily.	none	none
     3145	10 Item Skill: Iron Body	Active: Raises resistance to damage from falling.	none	none
     3148	10 Item Skill: Vampiric Rage	Active: Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy temporarily. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.	none	none
     3137	10 Item Skill: Duel Weakness	Active: Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. temporarily.	none	none
     3149	10 Item Skill: Aggression	Active: Increases the target's urge to attack. Power 659.	none	none
     3150	10 Item Skill: Charm	Active: Decreases a target's urge to attack. Power 330.	none	none
     3151	10 Item Skill: Peace	Active: Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack.	none	none
     3152	10 Item Skill: Trick	Active: Cancels the target's status.	none	none
     3153	10 Item Skill: Vampiric Touch	Active: Absorbs HP. Power 88.	none	none
     3154	10 Item Skill: Mana Burn	Active: Burns up the enemy's MP. Power 120.	none	none
     3155	10 Item Skill: Unlock	Active: Opens level 3 doors with 100% probability and chests below level 72 with 90% probability. Requires 17 Keys of a Thief.	none	none
     3156	1  Item Skill: Firework	Active: Ignites a Firework.	none	none
     3157	1  Item Skill: Large Firework	Active: Ignites a Large Firework.	none	none
     3158	1  Item Skill: Celestial Shield	Active: Bestows temporary invincibility.	none	none
     3159	3  Item Skill: Stealth	Active: Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect.	none	none
     3160	9  Item Skill: Resurrection	Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 70% of additional Exp.	none	none
     3161	3  Item Skill: Skill Clarity	Active: Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for physical skills.	none	none
     3162	3  Item Skill: Spell Clarity	Active: Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for magical skills.	none	none
     3163	3  Item Skill: Music Clarity	Active: Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for song/dance skills.	none	none
     3164	3  Item Skill: Clarity	Active: Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rates for all skills.	none	none
     3165	10 Item Skill: Prominence	Active: Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster. Power 110.	none	none
     3167	10 Item Skill: Hydro Blast	Active: Unleashes a spray of highly pressurized water. Power 110.	none	none
     3168	10 Item Skill: Hurricane	Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 110.	none	none
     3169	10 Item Skill: Stone	Active: Attacks the target with a stone boulder. Power 110.	none	none
     3170	10 Item Skill: Solar Flare	Active: Unleashes a sacred attack. Power 110.	none	none
     3171	10 Item Skill: Shadow Flare	Active: Unleashes a dark attack. Power 110.	none	none
     3172	10 Item Skill: Aura Flare	Active: Unleashes an elemental attack. Power 110.	none	none
     3177	10 Item Skill: Solar Flare	Active: Unleashes a sacred attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	non    3173	10	Item Skill: Prominence	Active: Unleashes a flaming attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3174	10 Item Skill: Hydro Blast	Active: Unleashes a powerful liquidy attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3175	10 Item Skill: Hurricane	Active: Unleashes a powerful gusting attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3176	10 Item Skill: Stone	Active: Attacks the enemies near a target with a stone boulder. Power 55.	none	none                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
     3178	10 Item Skill: Shadow Flare	Active: Unleashes a dark attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3179	10 Item Skill: Aura Flare	Active: Unleashes an elemental attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3180	10 Item Skill: Prominence	Active: Unleashes a flaming attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3181	10 Item Skill: Hydro Blast	Active: Unleashes a powerful liquidy attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3182	10 Item Skill: Hurricane	Active: Unleashes a powerful gusting attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3183	10 Item Skill: Stone	Active: Unleashes an earthen attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3184	10 Item Skill: Solar Flare	Active: Unleashes a sacred attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3185	10 Item Skill: Shadow Flare	Active: Unleashes a dark attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3186	10 Item Skill: Aura Flare	Active: Unleashes an elemental attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3187	10 Item Skill: Slow	Active: Temporarily decreases a target's speed.	none	none
     3188	10 Item Skill: Winter	Active: Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd.	none	none
     3190	10 Item Skill: Hold	Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of hold. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.	none	none
     3191	10 Item Skill: Sleep	Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of sleep. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.	none	none
     3192	10 Item Skill: Paralyze	Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of paralysis.	none	none
     3193	10 Item Skill: Medusa	Active: Temporarily throws the target into a petrified state.	none	none
     3194	10 Item Skill: Fear	Active: Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee.	none	none
     3195	10 Item Skill: Poison	Active: Temporarily poisons a target. Effect 8.	none	none
     3196	10 Item Skill: Bleed	Active: Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily. Effect 8.	none	none
     3197	10 Item Skill: Silence	Active: Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills.	none	none
     3198	10 Item Skill: Doom	Active: Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills.	none	none
     3199	3  Item Skill: Skill Refresh	Active: Temporarily decreases the re-use time for physical skills.	none	none
     3200	3  Item Skill: Spell Refresh	Active: Temporarily decreases the re-use time for magic skills.	none	none
     3201	3  Item Skill: Music Refresh	Active: Temporarily decreases the re-use time for song/dance skills.	none	none
     3202	3  Item Skill: Refresh	Active: Temporarily decreases the re-use times for all skills.	none	none
3203 1	Item Skill: Mystery Skill	Active: Increases your head size.	none	none
     3204	3  Item Skill: Reflect Damage	Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.	none	none
     3205	2  Item Skill: Party Recall	Active: Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.	none	none
     3206	10 Item Skill: Music	Active: Plays music.	none	none




3229	10	Item Skill: Hold	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold when you are under attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.	none	none
3230	10	Item Skill: Sleep	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of sleep when you are under attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.	none	none
3231	10	Item Skill: Paralyze	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis when you are under attack.	none	none
3232	10	Item Skill: Medusa	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state when you are under attack.	none	none
3233	10	Item Skill: Fear	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee when you are under attack.	none	none
3234	10	Item Skill: Poison	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state when you are under attack. Effect 8.	none	none
3235	10	Item Skill: Bleed	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state when you are under attack. Effect 8.	none	none
3236	10	Item Skill: Silence	Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill when you are under attack.	none	none
3237	10	Item Skill: Doom	Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills when you are under attack.	none	none
3238	10	Item Skill: Prayer	Passive: Increases the effect of HP recovery magic when equipped.	none	none
3239	10	Item Skill: Mana Gain	Passive: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP when equipped.	none	none
3240	10	Item Skill: Might	Passive: Increases P. Atk. when equipped.	none	none
3241	10	Item Skill: Empower	Passive: Increases M. Atk. when equipped.	none	none
3243	10	Item Skill: Duel Might	Passive: Increases PVP P. Atk. when equipped.	none	none
3244	10	Item Skill: Shield	Passive: Increases P. Def. when equipped.	none	none
3245	10	Item Skill: Magic Barrier	Passive: Increases M. Def. when equipped.	none	none
3246	10	Item Skill: Heal Empower	Passive: Increases the power of HP recovery magic when equipped.	none	none
3247	10	Item Skill: Agility	Passive: Increases evasion when equipped.	none	none
3248	10	Item Skill: Guidance	Passive: Increases accuracy when equipped.	none	none
3249	10	Item Skill: Focus	Passive: Increases critical attack rate when equipped.	none	none
3250	10	Item Skill: Wild Magic	Passive: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks when equipped.	none	none
3251	10	Item Skill: Weight Limit	Passive: Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times when equipped.	none	none
3252	10	Item Skill: Kiss of Eva	Passive: Increases lung capacity when equipped.	none	none
3253	10	Item Skill: Acrobatics	Passive: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage when equipped.	none	none
3254	10	Item Skill: Iron Body	Passive: Raises resistance to damage from falling when equipped.	none	none
3255	3	Item Skill: Skill Clarity	Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for physical skills when equipped.	none	none
3256	3	Item Skill: Spell Clarity	Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for magic skills when equipped.	none	none
3257	3	Item Skill: Music Clarity	Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for song/dance skills when equipped.	none	none
3258	3	Item Skill: Clarity	Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills when equipped.	none	none
3259	3	Item Skill: Reflect Damage	Passive: Increases the ability to reflect some of the damage you incur back to the enemy when equipped. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.	none	none


By TeCkToNiK :D


Hi Paidia Ekana Ena Share Gia Ta Agument Skills...

Sas Dinw Ena Link Gia Na To Katevasete San Arxeio..




Kai San Code Edw Gia Na Ta Dite Ama 8elete...




     3124	10 Item Skill: Blessed Body	Active: Increases the maximum HP by 300 temporarily.	none	none                          
     3125	10 Item Skill: Battle Roar	Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amoun.	none	none
     3126	10 Item Skill: Prayer	Active: Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic temporarily.	none	none
     3127	10 Item Skill: Recharge	Active: Regenerates MP. Power 69.	none	none
     3128	10 Item Skill: Blessed Soul	Active: Increases the maximum MP by 200 temporarily.	none	none
     3129 	10 Item Skill: Mana Gain	Active: Increases the recharge recover rate of MP.	none	none
     3130	10 Item Skill: Ritual	Active: Regenerates CP. Power 473.	none	none
     3131	10 Item Skill: Cheer	Active: Increases the maximum CP by 300 temporarily.	none	none
     3132	10 Item Skill: Might	Active: Increases P. Atk. temporarily.	none	none
     3133	10 Item Skill: Empower	Active: Increases M. Atk. temporarily.	none	none
     3134	10 Item Skill: Duel Might	Active: Increases PVP P. Atk. temporarily.	none	none
     3135	10 Item Skill: Shield	Active: Increases P. Def. temporarily.	none	none
     3136	10 Item Skill: Magic Barrier	Active: Increases M. Def. temporarily.	none	none
     3138	10 Item Skill: Heal Empower	Active: Increases the power of HP recovery magic temporarily.	none	none
     3139	10 Item Skill: Agility	Active: Increases Dodge temporarily.	none	none
     3140	10 Item Skill: Guidance	Active: Increases Accuracy temporarily.	none	none
     3141	10 Item Skill: Focus	Active: Increases the chance of a critical attack temporarily.	none	none
     3142	10 Item Skill: Wild Magic	Active: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks temporarily.	none	none
     3143	10 Item Skill: Kiss of Eva	Active: Increases Lung Capacity temporarily.	none	none
     3144	10 Item Skill: Acrobatics	Active: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage temporarily.	none	none
     3145	10 Item Skill: Iron Body	Active: Raises resistance to damage from falling.	none	none
     3148	10 Item Skill: Vampiric Rage	Active: Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy temporarily. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.	none	none
     3137	10 Item Skill: Duel Weakness	Active: Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. temporarily.	none	none
     3149	10 Item Skill: Aggression	Active: Increases the target's urge to attack. Power 659.	none	none
     3150	10 Item Skill: Charm	Active: Decreases a target's urge to attack. Power 330.	none	none
     3151	10 Item Skill: Peace	Active: Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack.	none	none
     3152	10 Item Skill: Trick	Active: Cancels the target's status.	none	none
     3153	10 Item Skill: Vampiric Touch	Active: Absorbs HP. Power 88.	none	none
     3154	10 Item Skill: Mana Burn	Active: Burns up the enemy's MP. Power 120.	none	none
     3155	10 Item Skill: Unlock	Active: Opens level 3 doors with 100% probability and chests below level 72 with 90% probability. Requires 17 Keys of a Thief.	none	none
     3156	1  Item Skill: Firework	Active: Ignites a Firework.	none	none
     3157	1  Item Skill: Large Firework	Active: Ignites a Large Firework.	none	none
     3158	1  Item Skill: Celestial Shield	Active: Bestows temporary invincibility.	none	none
     3159	3  Item Skill: Stealth	Active: Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect.	none	none
     3160	9  Item Skill: Resurrection	Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 70% of additional Exp.	none	none
     3161	3  Item Skill: Skill Clarity	Active: Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for physical skills.	none	none
     3162	3  Item Skill: Spell Clarity	Active: Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for magical skills.	none	none
     3163	3  Item Skill: Music Clarity	Active: Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for song/dance skills.	none	none
     3164	3  Item Skill: Clarity	Active: Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rates for all skills.	none	none
     3165	10 Item Skill: Prominence	Active: Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster. Power 110.	none	none
     3167	10 Item Skill: Hydro Blast	Active: Unleashes a spray of highly pressurized water. Power 110.	none	none
     3168	10 Item Skill: Hurricane	Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 110.	none	none
     3169	10 Item Skill: Stone	Active: Attacks the target with a stone boulder. Power 110.	none	none
     3170	10 Item Skill: Solar Flare	Active: Unleashes a sacred attack. Power 110.	none	none
     3171	10 Item Skill: Shadow Flare	Active: Unleashes a dark attack. Power 110.	none	none
     3172	10 Item Skill: Aura Flare	Active: Unleashes an elemental attack. Power 110.	none	none
     3177	10 Item Skill: Solar Flare	Active: Unleashes a sacred attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	non    3173	10	Item Skill: Prominence	Active: Unleashes a flaming attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3174	10 Item Skill: Hydro Blast	Active: Unleashes a powerful liquidy attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3175	10 Item Skill: Hurricane	Active: Unleashes a powerful gusting attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3176	10 Item Skill: Stone	Active: Attacks the enemies near a target with a stone boulder. Power 55.	none	none                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
     3178	10 Item Skill: Shadow Flare	Active: Unleashes a dark attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3179	10 Item Skill: Aura Flare	Active: Unleashes an elemental attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55.	none	none
     3180	10 Item Skill: Prominence	Active: Unleashes a flaming attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3181	10 Item Skill: Hydro Blast	Active: Unleashes a powerful liquidy attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3182	10 Item Skill: Hurricane	Active: Unleashes a powerful gusting attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3183	10 Item Skill: Stone	Active: Unleashes an earthen attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3184	10 Item Skill: Solar Flare	Active: Unleashes a sacred attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3185	10 Item Skill: Shadow Flare	Active: Unleashes a dark attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3186	10 Item Skill: Aura Flare	Active: Unleashes an elemental attack against nearby enemies. Power 55.	none	none
     3187	10 Item Skill: Slow	Active: Temporarily decreases a target's speed.	none	none
     3188	10 Item Skill: Winter	Active: Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd.	none	none
     3190	10 Item Skill: Hold	Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of hold. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.	none	none
     3191	10 Item Skill: Sleep	Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of sleep. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.	none	none
     3192	10 Item Skill: Paralyze	Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of paralysis.	none	none
     3193	10 Item Skill: Medusa	Active: Temporarily throws the target into a petrified state.	none	none
     3194	10 Item Skill: Fear	Active: Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee.	none	none
     3195	10 Item Skill: Poison	Active: Temporarily poisons a target. Effect 8.	none	none
     3196	10 Item Skill: Bleed	Active: Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily. Effect 8.	none	none
     3197	10 Item Skill: Silence	Active: Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills.	none	none
     3198	10 Item Skill: Doom	Active: Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills.	none	none
     3199	3  Item Skill: Skill Refresh	Active: Temporarily decreases the re-use time for physical skills.	none	none
     3200	3  Item Skill: Spell Refresh	Active: Temporarily decreases the re-use time for magic skills.	none	none
     3201	3  Item Skill: Music Refresh	Active: Temporarily decreases the re-use time for song/dance skills.	none	none
     3202	3  Item Skill: Refresh	Active: Temporarily decreases the re-use times for all skills.	none	none
3203	1	Item Skill: Mystery Skill	Active: Increases your head size.	none	none
     3204	3  Item Skill: Reflect Damage	Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.	none	none
     3205	2  Item Skill: Party Recall	Active: Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.	none	none
     3206	10 Item Skill: Music	Active: Plays music.	none	none




3229	10	Item Skill: Hold	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold when you are under attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.	none	none
3230	10	Item Skill: Sleep	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of sleep when you are under attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.	none	none
3231	10	Item Skill: Paralyze	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis when you are under attack.	none	none
3232	10	Item Skill: Medusa	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state when you are under attack.	none	none
3233	10	Item Skill: Fear	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee when you are under attack.	none	none
3234	10	Item Skill: Poison	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state when you are under attack. Effect 8.	none	none
3235	10	Item Skill: Bleed	Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state when you are under attack. Effect 8.	none	none
3236	10	Item Skill: Silence	Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill when you are under attack.	none	none
3237	10	Item Skill: Doom	Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills when you are under attack.	none	none
3238	10	Item Skill: Prayer	Passive: Increases the effect of HP recovery magic when equipped.	none	none
3239	10	Item Skill: Mana Gain	Passive: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP when equipped.	none	none
3240	10	Item Skill: Might	Passive: Increases P. Atk. when equipped.	none	none
3241	10	Item Skill: Empower	Passive: Increases M. Atk. when equipped.	none	none
3243	10	Item Skill: Duel Might	Passive: Increases PVP P. Atk. when equipped.	none	none
3244	10	Item Skill: Shield	Passive: Increases P. Def. when equipped.	none	none
3245	10	Item Skill: Magic Barrier	Passive: Increases M. Def. when equipped.	none	none
3246	10	Item Skill: Heal Empower	Passive: Increases the power of HP recovery magic when equipped.	none	none
3247	10	Item Skill: Agility	Passive: Increases evasion when equipped.	none	none
3248	10	Item Skill: Guidance	Passive: Increases accuracy when equipped.	none	none
3249	10	Item Skill: Focus	Passive: Increases critical attack rate when equipped.	none	none
3250	10	Item Skill: Wild Magic	Passive: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks when equipped.	none	none
3251	10	Item Skill: Weight Limit	Passive: Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times when equipped.	none	none
3252	10	Item Skill: Kiss of Eva	Passive: Increases lung capacity when equipped.	none	none
3253	10	Item Skill: Acrobatics	Passive: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage when equipped.	none	none
3254	10	Item Skill: Iron Body	Passive: Raises resistance to damage from falling when equipped.	none	none
3255	3	Item Skill: Skill Clarity	Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for physical skills when equipped.	none	none
3256	3	Item Skill: Spell Clarity	Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for magic skills when equipped.	none	none
3257	3	Item Skill: Music Clarity	Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for song/dance skills when equipped.	none	none
3258	3	Item Skill: Clarity	Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills when equipped.	none	none
3259	3	Item Skill: Reflect Damage	Passive: Increases the ability to reflect some of the damage you incur back to the enemy when equipped. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.	none	none


By CriticaPolice :D

exeis kani pola la8i sta code aspoume 313210??o alos tha to grapsi 313210 kai oxi 3132 10 p einai to sosto fixareto ..

exeis kani pola la8i sta code aspoume 313210??o alos tha to grapsi 313210 kai oxi 3132 10 p einai to sosto fixareto ..


re file einai mia xara auto pou les apla auto ''3132'' einai to id ''10'' einai to lvl apla kolisan otan ta egrafa ;D dn einai la8os alla 8a ta diwr8oso

  • 1 month later...

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