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hI! Auto einai to prwto m post kai gia auto 8elw ligh ipomonh apo olous sas!!!!

Eftiaxa ena npc pou deinei to Noblesse Status... To __int__.py pou exei mesa einai apo thn oneo buffer. Egw aplw pros8esa dio 5-6 grammes.....




Thanks for Reading!!! BB!!!








pros JonathanRhyS:


1) to exw dokimasei mono se l2jfree...dn xerw an douleuei allou...

2) Prepei na peraseis to 99995.htm sto gameserver/data/html/default/...

3) prepei na peraseis to 8888_Noblessequest sto gameserver/data/jscript/custom/...

4) Dn prepei na allaxeis kanena onoma... Mono tou npc p leei px ~Spyridoula~ oxi ta id...

5) Otan perases xeirokinita to .sql sthn stilh "type" prepei na grapseis L2npc.


An einai ola OK prepei na doulepsei...

  • 4 weeks later...

dfojafljkalgflaigfa;jofkk'la.. Omg para polu kalo ty!!


@exei klemenei photo apo ton ExtremeDwarf oxi sta photo ton npc stin pic sou..



ama to paei etc to miso mxc exei klepsi tin photo tou extreme? kai ti na tou kanoume ? ??? ban ??


anyway man Thnx For Share :D  8a to anaptiksis kialo i 8a to afisis etc ?


ama t balis kana 2 sciptakia akoma 8a ein comple  gt ein mia sini8ismeni noblesse manager exoume gemisi apo autes :D alla o kopos sou metrah :D

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