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interlude [Interlude L2J] L2 Gothic PvP


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L2 II Gothic  www.l2gothic.tk


Dynasty Wepons/Armors

Icarus (Gothic) Weapons / Modified Apella Sets

Epic   (Gothic PvP) Weapons

Vesper Armors

Wings (all wings add Pdef)

Nude patch - just for fun :)

Custom Giran Town Apeareance (Ice Giran )

Coustom Night Sky


Newbie Farm Zone in peace zone

PvP Farm Zone

RB Farm Zone

OLY is opened 23 hours / day ; new heroes every 7 days


Every PK or PvP is rewarded with 1 PvP Coin

     Server Info













Simple Scroll Enchant Rates 65%

Bessed Scroll Enchant Rates 80%

Crystal Scroll Enchant Rates 100% (earned by events)


Max Enchant Weapon :.+ 25

Max Enchant Armor :...+ 30


Events :



- Many GM events


-No lag

-Friendly GM`s


Specific Info


Custom NPC`s :

GMShop , Custom Items GMShop , Global GK , Class Changer ,




Cheaters Free






Sub-class protection

Multisell protection



Server Harware Info


Dual Xeon 3600Mhz

8Gb RAM ECC 1033Mhz


100MB Connection


Do not cry patch is big ,its custom server  . Do not flame this topic , if u dont like it , leave . [/glow]

I need Developer (headGM) - do NOT pm me if u dont have good knowledge of java , php , sql server security ,  etc . I will need proof you know all this. For dev add messenger id l2gothic@yahoo.com .





www.l2gothic.tk   www.l2gothic.tk

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fix your topic's title




Btw Server Hardware info with .tk site, lol i bet its fake and u cant handle even 30 ppl on your home pc.

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title fixed

3 minutes passed scince i make this post and the first flamer made noobish post.

you bet ? LOL you want proof? i can give you proof.

Its not fake .  i use tk for the moment ... if server will work fine i will buy a domain, if not...not .


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its clear that u are a spammer . get a life

and please someone clean this topic.



can u read what i type?


Y O U R  T O P I C  T I T L E  I S  N O T  R I G H T.  F I X  Y O U R  T O P I C  T I T L E.


check all server list on lineage2 private servers and check your mistake, fix it before the topic will be junked.


Edit: Your topic title changed by GrisoM. hf.

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