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Plis help mi



Hey guys hello im hawe a question plis help me cause im search but not find any that im need!

How im can add itens in my server? Im use navicat! Im have ready database and other sh!t but but Im hawe problem!

Im know about the stats/weapons or armors that i put there, but waht i do whit other?

Im have the dynasty armor of criticaleror but im dont know waht to do.

plis help me and dont tell me search, im seasrched but nto find any.

reply me or give me link plis.

ty meng all!

4 answers to this question

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First- Don't swear (Sh!t, f*ck,and so on, please avoid them)

Second- You are to write in a decent English if you want anyone to understand you, take some time to write a decent and understandable text, and we'll find some time to help you.

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Go here according to me, and be searching.




That's about client modding. As I understood he wants to add custom stuff in his server...

OK, I will try to make a little translation of XxRxX's post:

1) You've got the files Data, SQL, Client.

2) Open the data folder and copy/paste what is in there, to your server's folder, in the "data" file of your server.

3) Just follow the pictures XxRxX has putted at his first part of the post, about the SQL file...

4) Just copy/paste the "client" folder into your Lineage II folder, and you're done.


P.S.: It was a simple translation for that question, XxRxX made the real post!

P.S.2: If while executing batch file, a message appears saying terminated unsuccesfully, then something is wrong with the stuff you want to add, or you didn't follow the steps one by one..



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