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ok i start with creating clan:


Any character over level 10 may create a clan. When a character has reached level 10 or higher, he/she can go to the NPC responsible for clan creation. Clan names may be comprised of up to 16 alphabetical and numerical characters and cannot include spaces or special characters.


A clan is made up of a clan leader (commonly known as an Heir or wiseman depending on the lvl of the clan) and a number of clan members. New clans may accept up to 10 members. As the clan progresses and attains new levels, they can have up to 140 members.


Increasing a Clan's Level:Clan levels may be acquired in phases. If a clan gains a level, they acquire a new level of clan skills. Through these skills, the clan gains various clan management abilities and powers, including clan member registration, expulsion, dissolution, transferring of authority, and warehouse usage. The higher the level, the more powerful a clan may become.


The following is a list of requirements for each clan level:




Be sure to also check out the following guides:

# Clan Levels

# Benefits from Clan Levels

# Clan Skills


clan levels:Clan levels may be acquired in phases. If a clan gains a level, they acquire a new level of clan skills. Through these skills, the clan gains various clan management abilities and powers, including clan member registration, expulsion, dissolution, transferring of authority, and warehouse usage. The higher the level, the more powerful a clan may become.




Notes to the table:

1. Under Clan LvL 5 ALL members (except for Academics who are always Vassal regardless of clan lvl) are known as Heirs. The Clan Leader is known as an Elder or wiseman


2. Under a Clan LvL 6 All Main Clan members are know as Knights, Royal Guards Members as Heirs, Royal Guard leaders as Elders, Clan Leader as Baron


3. Under Clan LvL 7 All members of the Main Clan are known as Elders, Royal Guard Members as Knights, Royal Guards Leaders as Viscounts, Order of Knights members as Heirs, Order of Knights Leaders as Baron and Clan Leader as Count


4. Under Clan LvL 8 All members of Main clan are known as Baron, Royal Guards Members as Elders, Royal Guards Leaders as Count, Order of Knights Members as Knight, Order of Knight Leaders as Viscount and Clan Leader as Marquis


Benefits from Clan Levels:Speak to Sir Kristof Rodemai in the Town of Giran for information about the Alliance Manifesto, and to Sir Gustaf Athebaldt in the Town of Oren for more information about the Seal of Aspiration. Other clan quests are also available to a clan as it levels up.


The chart below describes the benefits a clan receives at each clan level.




Clan Level 4 Quest Guide:Complete walkthrough to level your clan from Level 3 to Level 4.



Talk to Sir Kristof Rodemai in Giran. He is in the Warrior Guild right inside the door.




You will need to see Witch Kalis now. She is South East of Ivory Tower. She explains you will need to have 3 members of your clan sacrifice themselves. 1-3 members may die at this point so make sure you have someone that can rez.




They will need to speak with this statue. The statue will ask you if you want to sacrifice yourself. Click on yes. When your members do this they will get an item of offering. Trade this to the leader. All 3 members need to do this




When you have all 3 offering items speak to the witch again. At this time the witch gives you poison. Click on drink it. You will be rooted and Poisoned. Time to send your members to different areas.


[img[http://vnmedia.ign.com/l2vault.ign.com/images/woj/ProofofClanAlliance/clan4.jpg[/img]http://One needs to kill Harit Lizardman Shaman at the Anghell Waterfalls until you get a Herb of Harit.




Another member needs to kill Vanor SIlenos Shamans. These are out at Plains of Glory near Aden Castle. Kill these until you get Herb of Vanor




Another member needs to go to Bandit's Stronghold. There you will find Oel Mahum Witchdoctors until you get a Herb of mahum




Once all the members have the herbs they will need to go out to Hardin's Private Academy. One of the members need to talk to Witch Athrea. She tells you she will not give you the blood of Eva with out you killing the boxes




9 boxes spawn out. Kill all the boxes until you get 4 Bingo! Each member should be able to handle 3 boxes each




Speak to Witch Athrea again. She hands you the Blood of Eva.




Now return to the leader who is still rooted and poisoned. Trade all the items to the leader. The leader needs to speak to Witch Kalis for the last time. She takes the items and hands you an antidote and voucher of faith. Take the antidote.




Return to Sir Kristof Rodemai in Giran again. He gives you 120,000SP and hands you Alliance Manifesto.




Go speak with any of the Grand Master, Head Blacksmith or Warehouse Chief to raise your clan level. Remember you need about 1.4mil in SP for this


Clan Level 5 Quest Guide:Complete walk through to level your clan from Level 4 to Level 5.



Speak with Sir Gustaf Athebaldt in Oren near the Warrior Guild. He will ask you a simple question choice "I wish to strength my clan in order to make the world a better place."


He hands you Gustav's 1st Letter and tells you to speak with Martien.




Martien is near the bridge in Giran. He tells you to go and bring some eggs to him. You will find them in Dragon Valley.




You need to hunt for Drakes and Thunder Wyrms. You may get a Blitz Wyrm or Mist Wyrm as a Quest Mob spawn. You will get eggs from them as well.


You will find 3 dead dwarves in Dragon Valley at different locations. Speak to them and you will get eggs as well. One of the dwarves will give you a Brooch of the Magpie.


When you have all the eggs needed return to town.




Speak with Martien again. He takes all the eggs.




Go meet with Head Blacksmith Kutso to hand over the Brooch. He takes it and hands you a Black Anvil Coin.




Go back to Sir Gustaf Athebaldt, he hands you Gustav's 2nd letter and tells you to meet with Balthazar.




Balthazar is outside of the Blacksmith shop in Hunters Village. He takes the letter and the black anvil coin and hands you a Titan's Powerstone recipe.


This recipe is not really needed but it is good to have. It is only a 25% recipe though so keep that in mind.




You need to go to Giant's Cave and hunt Lesser Giant Soldiers and Scouts. You will need 10 Titan powerstones and 10 Nebulite Crystals. When you have these return to town.




Return to Balthazar, he takes the items and tells you to speak with Sir Gustaf Athebaldt again.




Sir Gustaf Athebaldt tells you about a Scepter of Judgement. In order ro find out more information about the scepter speak with Sir Eric Rodemai. He hands you Gustav's 3rd letter.




Sir Eric Rodemai is in the center of Aden town. He takes the letter and tells you about a witch Cleo. Go speak with her for more clues




Run towards the Cemetary, when you cross the bridge you will see Witch Cleo. When you speak with her another witch will appear and disappear as well.




Return to Sir Eric Rodemai. He tells you to hunt at the National Cemetary




You will need to hunt Gave Guards until Gave Keymaster spawns. You will need 6 keys. Each Keymaster will give you 1 key.


When you have all 6 keys you can go to the front of the Cemetary.




You will need to kill the Imperial GraveKeeper Quest Monster. This guy looks easy but remember he does spawn minions. He also may teleport you to the back of the cemetary. If that happens hurry back to kill him.


When he is dead an Imperial Coffer spawns. Speak to this and  you get the Scepter of Judgement.




Return to Sir Eric Rodemai. He tells you to go and speak with Sir Gustaf Athebaldt.




Sir Gustaf Athebaldt takes the Scepter of Judgement and rewards you with Seal of Aspiration and 250,000 SP.




Clan Academy:An Academy member’s clan name is the same as the main clan name, but is displayed in yellow.


Academy members may use clan chat and alliance chat.


By default, Academy members may use the clan hall and castle owned by the clan just like any other clan member. However, the clan leader does have the option to set it up so that Academy members may not use them.


Academy members may use the clan warehouse and clan bulletin board just like any other clan member. However, the clan leader does have the option to set it up so that Academy members may not use them.


The rights below cannot be bestowed upon Academy members:


   * Join a clan or be dismissed

   * Title management, crest management, master management, level management, bulletin board administration

   * Clan war, right to dismiss, set functions

   * Auction, manage taxes, attack/defend registration, mercenary management


When in a clan war or a siege with Academy members:


   * Experience penalties apply even when killed by opposing members of a clan in a mutual war

   * Academy members cannot see an enemy mark displayed on the opposing clan members’ character name

   * Academy members have no relationship during a clan war or siege war




An academic can receive the help of a sponsor to gain access to the Clan Oath Armor which can be optained through fullfilling a quest. The academics who have received a sponsor to aide them will have their names show up in Yellow where as those who do not have a sponsor stay white.


Royal Guards & Knights:Creation of the Royal Guard and Royal Order of the Knights


When a clan reaches level 6, a Royal Guard may be created at the same NPC that allows you to create clans/alliances as well as take clan skills. Upon creation of a Royal Guard, one of the clan members must be appointed an administrator. Up to 2 Royal Guards may be created. The maximum number of members in a Royal Guard is 20.


When a clan reaches level 7, an Order of Knights may be created at the same NPC that allows you to create clans/alliances as well as take clan skills. Upon creation of an Order of Knights, one of the clan members must be appointed as an administrator. Up to 2 Orders of Knights may be created under one Royal Guard. The maximum number of members in an Order of Knights is 10.


Dissolving the Royal Guard or the Order of the Knights


Once created, Royal Guards and Orders of Knights cannot be dissolved unless the clan is dissolved.


When the administrator of each unit withdraws from their clan, the unit remains, and the administrator position becomes vacant. In this case, the clan leader must appoint a new administrator.


The reappointment of the unit administrator can be done through an NPC that is in charge of clan-related activities.


'Rights within the Sub-Units'


   * The clan name of the sub-unit should be the same as the clan

   * The clan crest and insignia should be also the same as the clan

   * Sub-units can use the same channel as the clan for clan chat and alliance chat

   * Sub-units can use the same clan hall, castle, and bulletin board as the clan. (However, if the clan leader changes the rights settings, this right may no longer apply.)


Sub-units can participate in a clan war and siege war under the same conditions as the clan.


Clan Skills:As of Clan level 5, a Clan Leader can start earnign Reputation Points which will allow him/her to "buy" special clan skills which inrease certain statistics of the members within the clan. Below you can find a table which shows you what special skills become available under each Clan Level and another table that shows you the requirements of who will benefit from which skill.









Clan Reputation Points:When a clan reaches level 5 or more, the clan may accumulate clan reputation points which are earned through various clan activities.


The world clan ranking based on the clan reputation score may be viewed in the Adventurer's Guide Book.


The reputation score increases in the following cases:


    * A clan academy member completes a 2nd class transfer


    * When a clan conquers a castle during a siege, 100 points are deducted from the defending clan's reputation score. If the defending clan has zero points, the new owner does not receive points. If the defending side is an NPC, 1000 points are added to the victorious clan's score


    * Your clan holds or defends a castle in a siege (only the clan that owns the defended castle/clan hall earns points)


    * Your clan acquires a siege-enabled clan hall (the reputation score increases more when taking over a clan hall owned by another clan)


    * A clan member takes first place in the Festival of Darkness (the reputation points are distributed in proportion to the number of clan members among the highest-ranking party members)


    * Each time a clan member becomes a Hero


    * A clan quest is completed


    * By killing an enemy (over level 4) in a clan war under the condition of mutual war declaration or siege; however, when the other side’s reputation score is 0 or below, your clan cannot acquire any reputation points from them



The reputation score decreases in the following cases:


    * A clan-owned castle or siege-enabled hall is taken over (when a clan’s reputation score is in the negative (-), the score may still be decreased)


    * A clan’s level is upgraded


    * A clan skill is learned


    * Item(s) are purchased using a clan's reputation score


    * A clan member is killed by an enemy in a clan war (under the condition of mutual war declaration) or siege; however, when the opposing side’s reputation score is 0 or below, your clan’s reputation score does not decrease


Raid Reputation Points:Ever wonder what those points are that you've earned after a raid?




The total raid points of all clan members (including academy) are added together. Then the clans are ranked according to this sum. The first 100 clans are rewarded with Clan points based on this ranking as shown below. Points are distributed once a month and awarded during the first regularly scheduled maintenance of the month.




Leadership Transfer:A clan leader may transfer their rights to other clan members. The leader must request the clan leader transfer from an NPC who is in charge of clan activities. Try the High Priest at most towns (for sure Dion and Giran)


The new clan leader will assume their new role during the next regularly scheduled maintenance time. (The clan leader transfer should still be completed even when the server is down unexpectedly.) A clan leader transfer may be cancelled anytime prior to the regular maintenance time.




Leaving a Clan:A clan member may leave a clan, but they will suffer penalties as a result (24 hours before able to join a new clan).


If a player wants to leave a clan, they can go into the Clan Window, click on the Actions > Clan tab and click the "Leave" button. When a member leaves a clan, he/she may not join any other clan for one calendar day, but can create a new clan immediately. The clan leader suffers no penalty and can accept new members immediately.


If a clan leader wants to kick a player from their clan, they can go into the Clan Window, click on the Actions > Clan tab, select the name of the player and click the "Dismiss" button. A member that is dismissed from the clan must wait one calendar day to join another clan, but can create a new clan immediately. When a member is dismissed from a clan, the clan penalised and must wait one calendar day to accept new members.


When a Clan Leader leaves, the clan is automatically dissolved and receives a penalty See


Dissolving a Clan:A clan leader may dissolve the clan without the prior consent of the members. Dissolving a clan is done in the same manner as creating a clan, through the appropriate NPCs.


It takes seven calendar days to dissolve a clan. Clan skills are restricted until the dissolution occurs, but clan chat and clan bulletin boards may still be used. A clan cannot be dissolved when involved in a clan war. Members who leave the clan during those seven days will still be unable to join any other clan for one calendar day, but once the clan is dissolved the members who remained can join other clans immediately.


A clan leader who dissolves his/her clan receives experience penalties comparable to one death and cannot create a new clan for another ten days. In addition, all the skills and fame that the clan possesses will be lost.


Player Rankings:Player ranks are based on a character’s social status and clan activities.


    * Ranks are applied according to a character’s clan status, clan level, and position in the clan.

    * Players can see their own rank in the character status window. Players can see the target’s rank in the Target window when another player is selected.

    * Heroes and Noblesse characters may attain special class ranks regardless of clan status.



Nerukan's Player Rankings Explained:


contents:    * 1 Vagabond

    * 2 Vassal

    * 3 Heir

    * 4 Knight

    * 5 Elder

    * 6 Baron

    * 7 Viscount

    * 8 Count

    * 9 Marquis

    * 10 Duke

    * 11 Grand Duke


Any unclanned individual.


Clan Academy Members, any level, Level 3 Clan Leader, Main Clan Members level 3 (and lower?).


Level 3 (and lower?) Clan Leader, Level 4 Main Clan Members


Level 4 Clan Leader, Level 6 Main Clan Members, Level 7 Royal Guard Members, Level 8 Knight Unit Members


Level 5 Clan Leader, Level 6 Royal Guard Captains, Level 7 Main Clan Members, Level 8 Royal Guard Members, Level 9 Knight Unit Members


Level 6 Clan Leader, Level 7 Knight Commanders, Level 8 Main Clan Members, Level 9 Royal Guard Members, Level 10 Knight Unit Members, Noblesse


Level 7 Royal Guard Captains, Level 8 Knight Commanders, Level 9 Main Clan Members, Level 10 Royal Guard Members


Level 7 Clan Leader, Level 8 Royal Guard Captain, Level 9 Knight Commander, Level 10 Main Clan Members


Level 8 Clan Leader, Level 9 Royal Guard Captain, Level 10 Knight Commander, Hero of the Grand Olympiad


Level 9 Clan Leader, Level 10 Royal Guard Captain

Grand Duke

Level 10 Clan Leader


The titles of nobility (Baron to Grand Duke) closely follow real British titles of nobility. Above Grand Duke is only King and Emperor. I think its possible they will include a title of King as an element of the future territorial wars. All of this is tied together. After all the new title of the game is the "Chaotic Throne". This would suggest further implementing throne positions that players can fight over.


Clan War:Only the leader of a clan above level 3 with at least 15 members can declare war with the /clanwarstart command


Accepting Declarations of War


A declaration of war can be directed only at a clan above level 3 with at least 15 members.


Clan wars cannot be declared against an ally, and the alliance must be severed in order to wage war. Also, a clan which has declared war, or been subjected to a declaration of war, cannot enter into an alliance with a clan they are warring against.


Even if a clan is already engaged in a clan war, it can declare war on another clan and expand the scope of the war. Clans waging war can also accept additional declarations of war.


A single clan can make a maximum of 30 declarations of war. However, there is no cap for receiving a declaration of war from another clan.


Clan war declarations/retractions privileges can be given to clan members.


Information about the current clan war status can be accessed with the following commands.


    * /enemylist: Displays a list of clans on which your clan has declared war but has not declared in return


    * /attackerlist: Displays list of opposing clans which have declared war on your clan that has not declared in return


    * /clanwarlist: Displays list of opposing clans and friendly forces which have mutually declared war on one another


Waging a Clan War


Clan wars can be declared with or without the consent of the opposing clan. Upon declaration of war, a system message will be displayed to the opponent.


Members of a clan which has received a declaration of war can view the name of the opposing clan in the /attackerlist.


Should a clan member be killed by an opposing clan member, the experience lost on death will be 1/4 of that of a normal death. This rule applies equally when the opposing clan has not declared war in return.


When two clans have mutually declared war on each other, when a clan member attacks and kills an opposing clan member who does not defend, the karma and PK count of the attacker do not rise. An attacker’s PK count increases when killing a member of a clan that has not returned the declaration of war.


Upon declaration of war, a symbol will appear above the character name of a member of the opposing clan.


Ending a Clan War


The clan war can be ended by /clanwarstop command or clicking on the End War button in the Clan window and entering the name of the opposing clan.


War retraction, as in declaration, can be done without the consent of the opposing clan.


Upon proclaiming the end of war, the clans involved will receive a system message alerting them of the retraction.


If both clans in a war retract the war, it is effectively terminated.


Clan Airships Guide:Contents    * 1 Obtaining a Clan Airship License

    * 2 Summoning the Airship

    * 3 Controlling the Airship

          o 3.1 [Control Icons]

          o 3.2 [Taking Command]

          o 3.3 [Departure]

          o 3.4 [steering]

          o 3.5 [Arrival]

    * 4 Airship Fuel

    * 5 Future Journeys

Obtaining a Clan Airship License


To get a license for a Clan Airship, you must meet these requirements:


    * Leader of a level 5 or higher clan

    * 10 Energy Star Stones

    * License from Engineer Lekon


To get the 10 Energy Star Stones, speak with Officer Tolonis at the Keucereus Alliance Base in the Gracia Continent. He sells Energy Star Stones.


energy-star-stone.jpg These stones are needed for a license.






Speak with Engineer Lekon. He's next to Tolonis.




Give Lekon your Energy Star Stones. Remember, you must be the Leader of a level 5 clan (or higher) to get a license.


Summoning the Airship


To summon your airship, head down to one of the special summoning docks. One of the locations is shown below.




Speak with the Airship Controller, and first register your license. Once it's registered, you never need to register it again. Now summon your ship. It will appear in a few moments. Board it.


*Note* Five energy star stones are needed in order to summon your airship.






Controlling the Airship

[Control Icons]


Once you're aboard the ship, if you open your action window, you will see new icons there. Here they are, for reference:airshipCONTROLS.jpg


Airship Controls (from left to right)


    * Steer - Allows you to control the airship.

    * Cancel Control - Relinquishes control of the airship.

    * Destination Map - Choose from pre-designated locations.

    * Exit Airship - Disembarks from the airship.


[Taking Command]


*Note* Anyone can board and control your ship. So if you wish to pilot your ship, head to the control key. It's located at the center of the ship.




Click on the Control Key (the wheel). Once it's selected, click on the steer icon.




You're now the ship's captain. A command hotbar will appear on your screen with a wheel that shows your altitude. You can click up or down to adjust your altitude. You can drag your control icons into the hotbar. airship-control-hotbar.jpg


*Note* If you want someone else to take control, simply click the Cancel Control icon.

Back to top



To undock, open your Destination Map.


You can select an available marker for your airship to travel to. Once selected you'll see a flag, the destination name, and the fuel cost ('EP').




Now click the Depart button.


Your airship will undock and automatically head to your destination marker. There will be a transition during travel. Once you're at your marker, you must manurally pilot your airship to the desired location with mouse clicks or keyboard keys listed below in the Steering section.


Once you begin manually steering, it helps to zoom out as far as possible on your screen. As captain, your sails will become semi-transparent so you can see your surroundings better.






You can use your mouse to pilot your airship, or you can use the following keyboard keys (just like the Aurabird):


    * W (go forward)

    * S (stop)

    * A (turn left)

    * D (turn right)

    * E (increase altitude)

    * Q (decrease altitude)


And of course you can use also the altitude adjuster in your airship command hotbar shown in the 'Taking Command' section above.




Once your airship is close enough to a docking area, there will be a cut scene and your ship will automatically dock for you.




*IMPORTANT NOTE* If you were the captain aboard the ship, your weapons will be unequipped. Be sure to re-equip them!


Airship Fuel


Airship Fuel Readout: airshipreadout.jpg


(The fuel readout (EP bar) will be visible to anyone aboard the ship. As your airship burns fuel, the EP bar will drop.)


Airship flight can be exciting, but it's important to remember to re-fuel your airship as needed. To keep fuel handy, visit Officer Tolonis and purchase Energy Star Stones (the same ones you used to obtain a license -- please see the first section, 'Obtaining a Clan Airship License', for Tolonis' location).


energy-star-stone.jpg This item is your fuel source!


You can also purchase Energy Star Stone common craft recipies from Tolonis in exchange for Extracted Star Stones if you wish to craft your own Energy Stones for fuel.


Anyone can fuel the ship once on board. They simply need to right-click on Energy Stones in their inventory, if they have any.


Future Journeys


I hope you enjoyed being the captain of your own airship! If you want to summon another airship in the future, simply speak to another Airship Controller as before, and you'll be sailing the stars again in no time.


Happy 'Sails' to you! 4-20-2009-GF-cutscene.jpg





I will say 1 Thing!


Sifu, Stop Sharing Guides! It's a bit annoying!


Just make a Guide with Good Links for Lineage 2 (Guides etc)!

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