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can someone give me a chat that when you take/give damage it apperas on the top and the bottom? or give me the line i need to put in systemgrp. i've searched around here but i couldn't found. (few days ago i found something like this but for interlude but now i can't find it anymore). can you help me?


Im do not fully understand what you want to set up, but I think you need to look here: systemmsg-e.dat

35	1	a,You hit for $s1 damage.\0	3	66	66	99	FF	a,	a,	0	0	0	0	0	a,PUT SOMETHING HERE\0	a,damage\0
36	1	a,$c1 hit you for $s2 damage.\0	3	33	99	CC	FF	a,	a,	0	0	0	0	0	a,PUT SOMETHING HERE\0	a,damage\0
37	1	a,$c1 hit you for $s2 damage.\0	3	33	99	CC	FF	a,	a,	0	0	0	0	0	a,PUT SOMETHING HERE\0	a,damage\0

The PUT SOMETHING HERE you can put either the same message, or just $s1 (the amount of given damage) or $s2 (the amount of taken damage). You could also change the colors so the taken damage comes in a red message and the given in a blue one or something.


I hope this helped and good luck :)

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