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Hi i have low expirience with using IG walker, probably lame question? but i need help.


Subject: im playing on freeshard with working OOG, but i cant verify my IG walker. To mako OOG working i just run waby and write server IP on it.


What i did to launch IG:


1) Edited hosts file with notepad? deleted even comments.




2) Make sure that i have MSWINSCK.ocx


3) Downloaded IG walker 2.13 and 2.14 for gracia final server (that famous one with stolen files) from towalker.com


4) Copyed walker files to lineage system directory.


5) Showed way to L2.exe


6) Run waby, type server IP (same as i do with working OOG), press start button, load IG walker and press Run.


7) Then it run Lineage client 1st, and updater window, where i can press check files button or dont do it.


8) I login in game, checking walker and see that verifity failed.  ???


What i doing wrong?


System: Windows XP sp3, Lineage directory on 3rd harddrive, working OOG was been on 2nd hard, Windows placed on 1st.








Yea, when i try to launch IG walker waby show the message:


- Waiting for OOG L2Walker to connect, login now.......


And stuck on that. With OOG everything works fine.

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