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-=How to Modify .exe Files with ResHacker=-



Step 1

Download ResHacker from here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nmnyjdxjbyy

Step 2

Unzip the archive, and run ResHacker.exe


Step 3

You will see that the interface is simple and clean. Go to the menu File\Open or

press Ctrl+O to open a file. Browse your way to the file you would like to edit.

You can edit *.exe, *.dll, *.ocx, *.scr and *.cpl files, but this tutorial is ment

to teach you how to edit *.exe files, so open one.


Step 4

In the left side of the screen a list of sections will appear.

The most common sections are:


-String table;



-Cursor group;




*Icon: You can wiew and change the icon(s) of the program by double-clicking the icon section,chossing the icon, right-clicking on it an pressing "replace resource". After that you can choose the icon you want to replace the original with.

*String table: a bunch of crap, useful sometimes, basic programming knowladge needed.

*RCData: Here the real hacking begins. Modify window titles, buttons, text, and lots more!

*Dialog:Here you can modify the messages or dialogs that appear in a program. Don't forget to press "Compile" when you're done!

*Cursor group: Change the mouse cursors used in the program just like you would change the icon.

*Bitmap: View or change images in the programs easy!

*WAV:Change the sounds in the prog. with your own.

Step 5

In the RCData,Dialog,Menu and String table sections you can do a lot of changes. You can

modify or translate the text change links, change buttons, etc.


Some Tips:

> To change a window title, search for something like: CAPTION "edit this".

> After all operations press the "Compile Script" button, and when you're done editing save

your work @ File\Save(Save as).

> When you save a file,the original file will be backed up by default and renamed to Name_original and the saved

file will have the normal name of the changed prog.

> Sometimes you may get a message like: "This program has a non-standard resource layout... it has probably been compressed with an .EXE compressor." That means that Resource Hacker can't modify it..




Here's a Screen Shot of the program:





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