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Byez from me too


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So after 1.5 years here i just decided to leave from here  :'( . as TheMental Sayd :


Im would like to say a bye to the ppl i loved here and they know who they are .... You always get in touch with me in msn  :)  im glad i could help over here .... 


so to all the guys i meet here my msn : kidgamias@hotmail.com



CU guys :)




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lol if members with promotion leaves...we go to h3ll...


lets try to keep MxC alive guyz...



WTH is happening here??


W/e... I don't know why u want to leave, but it's up to u...


Cya via msn!


take a look down from his name


"New Demotes and new promotes in mxc i think that mxc is just died with this changes."

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Erm...You didn't tell us why..?

something with the new promotions i guess..check his sig..



Edit: didnt saw the last posts <.<


I think many ppl disliked that, he is not the only but this is not a reason to leave the forum..anyway good luck

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Oh i am gonna cry...






Mn s ksanadw omws Online. Paratas telos feugeis. Mn ksanakaneis s 3 meres topic k peis ksanagurisa.

Tha vlepw to  "Last active"


Ante t leme.



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