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Na min pw tpt serifox p prin ligous mines den ikseres ti sou ginotane kai itheles na anoikseis server
Ps to topic einai kata 99% stirigmeno se fotos kai pisteuw ayto boithaei

tn allithia lew kai kita na sou pw mila pio wraia gt opou grafo esu milas asxima gia kanonise filaraki ok?



off Efoson den kanw spam tha sou milaw opws thelw Kai se sxesi me to thema einai alitheia nai  prin apo kati mines den me afines se isixia tha me help na kanw ayto kai ayto exw error se ayto den mporouses na kaneis install ta programs min sou pw pws katebases kai alla ntalon Elpizw to thema metaksu mas na eleikse edw

ON  Pisteuw pws to topic m boithaei para polu tous newbie devs kai parakalw kratiste to katharo


both TEOGR_hItMaKeR kai serifoX pernete ena warn gia flame/attacking members


oso kai na 8es na voi8iseis kane to swsta

eides p akoma kai ec dn 3ereis na kaneis install afta ta programs?

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